Mississippi, Congrats on Joining the rest of the USA

Today republicans stand for Racism, Hatred, and obstruction of justice at all costs.

Its the party of "No"

They can be a spiteful bunch, especially those social conservatives like Rick Santorum. What an utter ass clown he is.

No Freedoms; No Liberties

Agreed.....in regards to church/vice laws. Dumb fuckers.

In regards to the kind of property I can have, sell, eat, or use its the leftists who currently take the cake.....or vegan donut.


Democrats aren't exactly as "pro-choice" as they pretend to make themselves out to be.

Who is the smurf account is it FNGRbang?

I defeated you long ago

Better than addressing the scathing criticism of your own self delusions (which have been vividly exposed)........you could just keep worrying about the person who said it.

That's what I've noticed a lot of in here. Neg rep........Don't like what you said. Who is this? Never an actual rebuttal to the words written on your monitor.

Debate for scoundrels, not much else should have been expected.

Guess it would be hard to remain retarded forever if physically forced to confront your own intellectual shortcomings.
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I say a lot things people strongly disagree with and very seldom get -rep for it. In fact there are some deep conservatives that have given me more +rep than -rep.

Why do you think you're so different?
I say a lot things people strongly disagree with and very seldom get -rep for it. In fact there are some deep conservatives that have given me more +rep than -rep.

Why do you think you're so different?

Because leftists tend to be a wee bit emotional.

Rather than think about the topic they are being criticized about, they would much rather just "rate" it with some emotional connotation.


As people tell me.....more lurking, less posting. As I tell others, more thinking, less just regurgitating a stupid fucking opinion.
Haha he's mad, he might actually be a new member

How'd you find this place anyway?

I'll give you a hint: in this forum the only way to lose is to get angry, posting here is 100% trolling entertainment for all
Better than addressing the scathing criticism of your own self delusions (which have been vividly exposed)........you could just keep worrying about the person who said it.

That's what I've noticed a lot of in here. Neg rep........Don't like what you said. Who is this? Never an actual rebuttal to the words written on your monitor.

Debate for scoundrels, not much else should have been expected.

Guess it would be hard to remain retarded forever if physically forced to confront your own intellectual shortcomings.


[GOODNIGHT] Goodnight... 02-19-2013 09:49 PM Captain Tele yawn....bore
Company president slaps... 02-18-2013 10:02 PM Captain Tele wahhh........wahhhhh
Company president slaps... 02-18-2013 05:29 PM Captain Tele dumb....dumb like your stupid kids
so i went to church today 02-15-2013 12:21 PM Captain Tele church is gay....you are gayer....repent
etiquette question... 02-15-2013 02:40 AM Captain Tele eat my cock later?
bbca show: copper [tv] 02-15-2013 02:29 AM Captain Tele Bet you
etiquette question... 02-14-2013 04:42 AM Captain Tele fucking stupid
[WAR ON CHRISTMAS]... 02-14-2013 12:54 AM Captain Tele go shit a log
marry, fuck, or kill 02-14-2013 12:43 AM Captain Tele you are just an anal wart
[Manhunt] This could... 02-12-2013 12:33 AM Captain Tele turd pusher
negative externality lol

As is about everything a person could possibly do.

Other peoples kids are a negative externality .

Your back yard BBQ is an externality.

Farting in an elevator is an externality.

Where does it start, when does it end, it doesn't.

It just keeps going until eventually someone, somewhere, tries to fuck with something you personally enjoy......then sudden outrage is invoked and part of that person begins to temporarily understand.

For whoopi it's apparently breast feeding. For gays it is marriage/sodomy. For blacks it was civil rights. For right wing nuts it's their guns.

In the meantime, it's an all out race to the bottom of who can't stop another person from doing something first. The slippery slope of fucking with people is a very fun and bumpy ride.

[GOODNIGHT] Goodnight... 02-19-2013 09:49 PM Captain Tele yawn....bore
Company president slaps... 02-18-2013 10:02 PM Captain Tele wahhh........wahhhhh
Company president slaps... 02-18-2013 05:29 PM Captain Tele dumb....dumb like your stupid kids
so i went to church today 02-15-2013 12:21 PM Captain Tele church is gay....you are gayer....repent
etiquette question... 02-15-2013 02:40 AM Captain Tele eat my cock later?
bbca show: copper [tv] 02-15-2013 02:29 AM Captain Tele Bet you
etiquette question... 02-14-2013 04:42 AM Captain Tele fucking stupid
[WAR ON CHRISTMAS]... 02-14-2013 12:54 AM Captain Tele go shit a log
marry, fuck, or kill 02-14-2013 12:43 AM Captain Tele you are just an anal wart
[Manhunt] This could... 02-12-2013 12:33 AM Captain Tele turd pusher

Cry more fag.....This is what mutually assured destruction is all about.

Each of those goes along with the several dozen you gave me saying:


An-eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye ... ends in making everybody blind."

Learn it, love it, wallow in it.