[PICS/EPIC] Dweasel is on the Pedo List

i like how tehvul starts a thread about how his daddy is a child molestor yet continues on about how great his life is and the rest of us all have shit lives cause we play videogames.

another golden delusion hahaha
How's Dweasel gonna spin this one?

Peeps get convicted.

Sometimes they are guilty.
Sometimes they are not.

I have NEVER been a child molestor.
I am not a pedo.

Peeps that have those predilections
continue with those types of behaviors.
They keep getting incarcerated for that shit.

Since divorced from his Momma ( 1977-1988 )
and the law being involved with Teh. (1991) .....{ I won that one }
I haven't had any problems with the law.

Yeah, we poke fun at each other and shit.

But very few here are completely deranged
are truly full of malice or animosity.

Let's say Teh did not have his mental illness

Believe it,
he was always doing bad shit just to do it.

It's in his genes,
.... that's just the way it is.

He's taking a break
or laying low.

Eventually he WILL wind back up in the SLAMMER.
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So you were convicted of raping a 4 year old girl but didn't do it? That's real believable. How did you get yourself in the situation to even be questioned about something like that?
Don't worry, RabidRabbi is on the case. The validity of this claim will come to light soon enough.
You are both fucking rubbish. Apple never falls far from the tree.

Tehvul is demented and thinks that airing this shit here will validate him in some way.

It's almost as if he is proud of it and he holds it up to show other people how good he is in comparison.

fucking meth man, creates some fucked up shit
the thing that makes me chuckle about this is that at best, up until a few years ago tehvul thought it was FINE to have his kids around a monstrous child-molester

how he thinks this makes him look good, I'll never know

also what happened to the billboard?
So you were convicted of raping a 4 year old girl but didn't do it?

That's real believable.

How did you get yourself in the situation
to even be questioned about something like that?

Ok, ... think clearly.

What does rape consist of ?

There was no rape mentioned in court records.

Charge: Sexual assault of a minor.

I asked the prosecuter

..... "How can this be so?
No cotius involved.

Sez he,
"Being in such a compromising positin with a child of very young age."

Ok, fair enough.

ONLY A six year sentence.
At that time manditory 1/3 served, b4 one can be paroled.
Made the initial parole hearing? released ....... no problem.

Be it so as it may. I feel the Justice system treated me quite fairly.

The motive? ................ REVENGE !
Kay stole, cheated ,lied, did drugs behind my back
........ALL kinds of shit.
Kay was a good lay ..... you can ask my friends.

I couldn't stay ... I couldn't leave.:doom:

Kay kept telling me over and over
"I can forgive youy ANYTHING but if you mess with our girlsthat will break my heart.
I used to tell her" What the fuck is wrong with you to say that.
That's stupid!""

Uh, to put it quite simply .... As Katie said
Your exwife twisted you.

I was in a twilight zone ..... Thinking Kay's gonna be Mad.
Yeah that bitch is gonna be sorry, she's gonna cry.

And then Jenny says" Daddy what are you doing"

WTF! HUH! Oh shit!
I snapped out of it, I was horrified,
I thought my heart was gonna jump out of my chest.

So I told Jenny ..... "It's ok Jenny, you're just having a bad dream."

Next day I turned myself in.

Years and years after I tried to get Kay to have counseling sessions,
us Kids and all on this shit that happened.

Kay steadfastly refused.
I kept telling her .... For Jenny's sake.

No dice.
Soooooo, it appears Jenny as Redmund says .... she has problems.
I have visited with the kids thru the years and not once
have the girls been HATEFUL towards me.

Ok, so I was weak.

My weakness was my strenght
in being able to put up with all of Kay's shit.

I didn't want my kids to grow up without their biological parents.:shrug:
I just broke down.

Yeah, life IS stranger than fiction.
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I told all of you that Dweasel was a child molester. I also told you all that I was going to see to it that he was on the Sex Offender List. It took some time but it is done. See for yourself.


yeah but how big is his dick?
Ok, ... think clearly.

What does rape consist of ?

There was no rape mentioned in court records.

Charge: Sexual assault of a minor.

I asked the prosecuter

..... "How can this be so?
No cotius involved.

Sez he,
"Being in such a compromissing positin with a child of very young age."

Ok, fair enough.

ONLY A six year sentence.
At that time manditory 1/3 served, b4 one can be paroled.
Made the initial parole hearing? released ....... no problem.

Be it so as it may. I feel the Justice system treated me quite fairly.

The motive? ................ REVENGE !
Kay stole, cheated ,lied, did drugs behind my back
........ALL kinds of shit.
Kay was a good lay ..... you can ask my friends.

I couldn't stay ... I couldn't leave.:doom:

Kay kept telling me over and over
"I can forgive youy ANYTHING but if you mess with our girlsthat will break my heart.
I used to tell her" What the fuck is wrong with you to say that.
That's stupid!""

Uh, to put it quite simply .... As Katie said
Your exwife twisted you.

I was in a twilight zone ..... Thinking Kay's gonna be Mad.
Yeah that bitch is gonna be sorry, she's gonna cry.

And then Jenny says" Daddy what are you doing"

WTF! HUH! Oh shit!
I snapped out of it, I was horrified,
I thought my heart was gonna jump out of my chest.

So I told Jenny ..... "It's ok Jenny, you're just having a bad dream."

Next day I turned myself in.

Years and years after I tried to get Kay to have counseling sessions,
us Kids and all on this shit that happened.

Kay steadfastly refused.
I kept telling her .... For Jenny's sake.

No dice.
Soooooo, it appears Jenny as Redmund says .... she has problems.
I have visited with the kids thru the years and not once
have the girls been HATEFUL towards me.

Ok, so I was weak.

My weakness was my strenght
in being able to put up with all of Kay's shit.

I didn't want my kids to grow up with their biological parents.:shrug:
I just broke down.

Yeah, life IS stranger than fiction.
what the fuck

what the fuck
the thing that makes me chuckle about this is that at best, up until a few years ago tehvul thought it was FINE to have his kids around a monstrous child-molester

how he thinks this makes him look good, I'll never know

also what happened to the billboard?

Yeah, he would even leave the kids with me 3 or 4 times
while he and Linda used to leave to score drugs.

Even teenage girls don't do it for me.
Lil bitches are just kids :shrug:

All the women I have been involved with
have been made aware of my past.

None of them have had any qualms
about me being around their young uns.

They were all surprised, they have all said "You're not like that."

I'm not.

Katie said it best .... "Your exwife twisted you."
Good job tehvul and about time you came clean dweasal. Hopefully we wont need to hear anymore of this.

Dweasal, find another forum where no one knows your past, i do not think this place will be very fun for you anymore now the truth is out.
See, no one wants to be put in a bad light.

Kay is kinda like Redmund
She wnated "us " to have threesomes.
She prob. did when I was at work. :shrug:

She used to live with a woman she said wanted to do her. Um hmmmmmm.
No wonder Teh ah "switch hitter".:closet:

I came along and sooooo she jumped at the chance to get out of it.

Anyway, things maybe patched up when Kay FINALLY dies.

:shrug: We'll see. ....

I'll wait.

As for Teh.

I still miss Katie like a motherfucker ..... but no.

Angie, loved her less than Katie.

Things are the way the way are.

My Dad been getting my health down.

Ole boy can't help it.
He needs and the hell what R.J. Needs.

I'am just trying to get by .... it's tough.

And Teh THINKS the past and exposing me is a big deal. ..... NOT !
you've just admitted to sexually abusing a 4yo

whether it was because some bitch 'twisted' you into doing it (which is a really shitty excuse anyway) is neither here nor there

you are a peadophile