Tribes : Ascend

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i may do something for the contest, but i guarantee you there will be some kind of hidden easter egg for you all to enjoy.
Holy shit they are getting thin-skinned

The thread about the login screen music got locked

edit: well, not "just" locked. Locked a couple hours ago.
I think the biggest problem with the announced plans, is that it's ridiculously reckless design to copy a system of monetization/classes FROM A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAMETYPE.

An FPS game is not a MOBA/Dota style game. While people might be ok with having limited options in an extremely unique gametype that's kind of a mix of everything, it's extremely negligent to immediately assume that such a limiting system would transfer over well to an FPS game - especially one with such unique properties as Tribes.

FPS games by their very nature rely upon more general powers than an RTS/MOBA style game. While RTS style/influenced games are known for having very specialized units, unique counters, and lots of gimmicks, FPS style games are defined by one key feature have gun, shoot other guys with gun - it's literally the definition of the genre of "first person shooter"

What might be unique and interesting in an RTS game in terms of options, just ends up feeling limiting and emasculating in an FPS game. People like having power in FPS games and certainly don't really enjoy rock paper scissor type combat in it.

There's really a strong rhyme and reason as to why certain mechanics work so well in certain subset of gametypes, and why mechanics tend to differ between them. Blindly trying to steal design elements from entirely different types of games, and putting them into a type that can't accomodate them is just a recipe for disaster.

Game design isn't as simple as just going "hey x y and z looks cool, lets throw it all together and see what we get!" It really does take research into how certain mechanics are received, and a full understanding of the gametype you're working with (and those you're taking elements from) to get an end result that doesn't suck. Ah well.
I still think that their F2P system could work if they start everyone with one type of nade/pack/main/offhand and then charge for weapons and do an unlock BF3 style non-paid unlock.
look protoss, im not going to take the time to you know, explain with words why it will work ok. it either will or it won't ...

I think ZProtoss is relieved that he can finally speak his mind to us.
Let it all out bro. We're here for you :heart:
The people who never played Tribes, who don't know how fast they are suppose to go, who don't know they should have more than 2 weapons, we need to see their reaction.
Maybe we can get Super-Grover to write an action movie about clans that battle with jetpacks. Use the moneys to buy this franchise and put it into better hands. :brows:
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