Tribes : Ascend

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god damn the mouthbreathers GA and HiRez attract... limit the game to appease Youtube. The stupid can't even be expressed with enough facepalm...

it would only be possible if you set off a nuclear bomb and face-palmed while the intense heat permanently burnt the shadow into cement.
I can't think of a single game I'd look forward to more if I was confident about this. I'd be happy to wait 2-3 years if they don't fuck it up.

1. Tribes 1 physics. A physics system that allows insane speed and skill-moves.
2. Neat graphics.
3. Actual fucking advertising.
4. Innovation to address the learning curve: Beginner maps and tutorials with achievements, rewards, a levelling system, whateverthefuck, to encourage people to play long enough so they don't get instantly owned and rage quit.
5. A common sense release date.
6. Marketing towards skill-crazy korea/china etc with simple things like foreign voice acting, option to use anime skins or whatever.

Do all of that and it will be AT LEAST as popular as T1 (in modern terms), aka probably 2-5 million players.

I'm not holding my breath though, the disappointment will be too much to bear.
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