cg script

you want something for literally nothing other than changing to a weapon

hudbot skins, radar, tv, and flag hud don't help you kill someone faster

this would.

it's cheating. accept it and move on, cheater.
hudbot skins, radar, tv, and flag hud don't help you kill someone faster

Yes they do.... the faster you can find someone the faster you can kill them, position is probably twice as important as aim, ask anyone who actually plays (BUT I'M NOT HERE TO ARGUE THAT). And the script I'm asking for doesn't allow me to kill anyone faster i have the exact same option with the weapon with out the script? Like i explained before you can achieve what this script does by tapping the mouse, your basically arguing that ski scripts are cheating? because we don't have to tap the space instead we hold it down?

Please explain your argument?
This thread is full of dumb. Or trolls.

Evita wrote a chaingun spin script. Good luck. It is and always will be a giant buggy pile of shit that you will never really get to work properly.

// File:	ChainSpin.cs
// Delay Adjustment:
$CG::Delay = 0.35; // Adjust this number to your liking!
// Fire key: Default is left mouse
$Fire::Key = "button0";
// Next Weapon: 
$NextWep::Key = "q";
// Previous Weapon: The 'shift' key plus keybind below.
$PrevWep::Key = "q";

function cg::loop(){
postAction(2048, IDACTION_BREAK1, -0);
schedule("cg::start();", $CG::Delay);}
function cg::start(){
if($Firing::On == 0)
if (getMountedItem(0) == 13){
postAction(2048, IDACTION_FIRE1, 1);
schedule("cg::loop();", 0.02);}}
function cg::redo()
{schedule("cg::start();", 2);} 

bindCommand(mouse0, make, $Fire::Key, TO, "FireOn();");
bindCommand(mouse0, break, $Fire::Key, TO, "FireOff();");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, $NextWep::Key, TO, "nextWep();");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, $PrevWep::Key, TO, "prevWep();");

function nextWep()
{remoteEval(2048,nextWeap on);
$Firing::On = 0;

function prevWep()
{remoteEval(2048,prevWeap on);
$Firing::On = 0;

function FireOn()
{postAction(2048, IDACTION_FIRE1, 1);
$Firing::On = 1;}

function FireOff()
{postAction(2048, IDACTION_BREAK1, 1);
$Firing::On = 0;
just get evita pack or poop pack or something

hell go to and ask for that shit I'm sure they wouldn't mind hooking you up there.

OR you could learn how to actually play.