Open Call 3


Veteran X
Open Call 3

To continue the long-vaunted Tribal tradition of community collaboration in game modification, we would like to announce the third installment of the Open Call series.

The map pack will include both base and LT, and primarily clientside maps (meaning new terrains, lighting, custom objects). It will be added to Service Pack 1. We are aiming for 10 maps total.

There are still very good tutorials and downloads available to help you either start or get back into map editing:


Tribes Prefabs Catalog

Zhandri's Mapper's Mod

Also, feel free to drop by #oc3 for tips, discussion, links and the latest updates.

I, personally, am willing to help anyone 1 on 1 with the foundational processes of mapping; from reminding you of the controls, to getting you set up with a viable terrain and map extent.

The due date for all submissions is June 1st.

OC3 Coordinators: azarus, Alarik, Swordfish


Now get started! :)
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i think for open call the mappers actually made new maps/terrain

is that in store for this one

to my knowledge meatpit is the only map that will be in oc3 with new terrain

i hope i am wrong

i am thinking of even adding a new base in worldcraft now that it has been delayed to june

i am also releasing a 10v10 base meatpit and fixing the terrain so it is ultra smooth and polished

but this type of shit shuld only take a few hours work not a whole fucking extra month
yea doods we want to make an "open call" for awesome new maps

you have 24 hours to submit

pack will be released in 3 days
yea doods we want to make an "open call" for awesome new maps

you have 24 hours to submit

pack will be released in 3 days

Dare said:
oh okay gl sword i take back my comments

lemon continue trolling and sucking at t1

:lol: :rofl:

I bet I can pickup worldcraft pretty easy again... I just need to get all the other shit together so I can export.

I am down to do this... I have had some pretty coool ideas about custom interiors lately...
No really Dare you had a great idea. Ask the community to make some new maps and give them a 3 hour time limit. That will really get the creative juices flowing.
shut up homo they already had a month to finish their maps and from what i knew they werent even making custom terrains or textures

i made a custom map ground up in a few days hours on acid and i think it turned out great

suck my dick

now that i kno they are making fresh maps with new shit i hope it turns out great and i am fine with the extra month

y r u here? LOL
i think one i smooth out meatpit ppl may play it

same gravitiy as dx

same bases

same style play and map size and distance to flags

only as stork say it in minus morgul of lotr mordor fame