Fantasy/Sci-fi Book recommendations revisited

Stross is ridiculously awesome imo. Same with Alastair Reynolds, check out the revelation space if you still haven't.
The Way of Kings - Sanderson

This book was great; only problem is that it's gonna be at least another 3 years before book 2 in the series comes out, because Sanderson is busy finishing the Wheel of Time series.

Also I'm worried that Sanderson will just keep opening up plotlines without closing any others off, since he's planning on making the series 10 books long.
Thanks for encouraging me to stick it out. Really got into it during the 2nd book. Just started the Memories of Ice today.

its probably my favorite series ive read. it surpassed the Song of Ice and Fire series at this point. That may be just do to the fact that i read the entire 10 book series in the same amount of time it took GRRM to publish Storms of Swords and Feast for Crows but whatever.

im looking for my next book series to pick up. ive read the following

GRRM - Song of Ice and Fire series
Steven Erikson - Malazan Book of the Fallen + Ian Casselmont's RotCG and Korbelain and Broach novels
Glen Cook - Black Company series + Dread Empire series
Scott Lynch - Gentleman Bastard series
Joe Abercrombie - First Law trilogy (im going to read Heroes, have read Best Served Cold)
Patrick Rothfuss - The Kingkiller Chronicles
Peter Brett - The Demon Cycle (Painted/Warded Man, Desert Spear
R Scott Baker - Prince of Nothing / Aspect Emperor series

where do i go next? I'm considering The Briar King (The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone, Book 1) by Greg Keyes or Acacia: The War with the Mein by David Durham. Ive thought about picking up one of Brian Sanderson's series but as its been pointed out, his time has been divided between series and i dont like waiting for material to read.
Altered Carbon --> Amazing
Commonwealth series --> Good albeit slow, with some unfortunate characters that take up too much space. Think WoT!
Void Series --> I'm stuck on chapter 3. Its too soon after the Commonwealth to read another 1000 pages.
Black Company (1st 3 books)--> Excellent, albeit very different and reads like historical novels rather than explaining the how and why.
Dresden Files (1st novel) -- Ok, i'll try one more but im not sure if its going to keep me b/c it seems somewhat limited.
A Song of ice and fire series --> Amazing
Culture series --> Super hit or miss. Everything is slow. The action is limited, but the prose is top tier. Unfortunately I just don't think they are as compelling as Banks' fiction (for an incredibly disturbing but awesome book, read the Wasp Factory)
Dresden Files (1st novel) -- Ok, i'll try one more but im not sure if its going to keep me b/c it seems somewhat limited.

First book or two are just so-so, but it gets absolutely awesome. Don't let yourself miss this series just because of the first couple books. I keep having to force myself to put off re-reading the series because the damn next book was pushed back until july...
First book or two are just so-so, but it gets absolutely awesome. Don't let yourself miss this series just because of the first couple books. I keep having to force myself to put off re-reading the series because the damn next book was pushed back until july...


DF #1 was his first novel. He really hits his stride by the 3rd book.
Anything (at least after Hyperion) by Dan Simmons is definately worth a read.

Neal Stephenson is also very good, although a bit crap at endings, and captivating.
“The Baroque Cycle” (Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World) , Cryptonomicon, Anathem are my favourites. Snow Crash is so-so, don't let it put you off.

Charles Stross - he's well good also and The Laundry Files series books are a good twist on mathematics ~ magic and a lighter, tongue-in-cheek atmosphere.
First book or two are just so-so, but it gets absolutely awesome. Don't let yourself miss this series just because of the first couple books. I keep having to force myself to put off re-reading the series because the damn next book was pushed back until july...
you should find some copies of the audiobooks for them. read by james marster and makes the books so much more enjoyable.
Anything (at least after Hyperion) by Dan Simmons is definately worth a read.

Neal Stephenson is also very good, although a bit crap at endings, and captivating.
“The Baroque Cycle” (Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World) , Cryptonomicon, Anathem are my favourites. Snow Crash is so-so, don't let it put you off.

Charles Stross - he's well good also and The Laundry Files series books are a good twist on mathematics ~ magic and a lighter, tongue-in-cheek atmosphere.

Agreed about Stephenson, though I liked Snow Crash more than you did. I once saw this comment about his endings:
David T Bilek said:
I don't understand why people have a problem with Stephenson's endings. They always seem perfectly adequate to
its probably my favorite series ive read. it surpassed the Song of Ice and Fire series at this point. That may be just do to the fact that i read the entire 10 book series in the same amount of time it took GRRM to publish Storms of Swords and Feast for Crows but whatever.

im looking for my next book series to pick up. ive read the following

GRRM - Song of Ice and Fire series
Steven Erikson - Malazan Book of the Fallen + Ian Casselmont's RotCG and Korbelain and Broach novels
Glen Cook - Black Company series + Dread Empire series
Scott Lynch - Gentleman Bastard series
Joe Abercrombie - First Law trilogy (im going to read Heroes, have read Best Served Cold)
Patrick Rothfuss - The Kingkiller Chronicles
Peter Brett - The Demon Cycle (Painted/Warded Man, Desert Spear
R Scott Baker - Prince of Nothing / Aspect Emperor series

where do i go next? I'm considering The Briar King (The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone, Book 1) by Greg Keyes or Acacia: The War with the Mein by David Durham. Ive thought about picking up one of Brian Sanderson's series but as its been pointed out, his time has been divided between series and i dont like waiting for material to read.

I can recommend Thorn and Bone as a pretty solid fantasy series, it has some similarities to SoIF but not nearly as dark or involved. And I would still have to recommend reading The Way of Kings by Sanderson, even with the wait in mind. It's REALLY good on its own. If Sanderson were to croak or stop writing it there, it'd still be a really good read.
And I would still have to recommend reading The Way of Kings by Sanderson, even with the wait in mind. It's REALLY good on its own. If Sanderson were to croak or stop writing it there, it'd still be a really good read.


Although I do hate to wait :/

Maybe Sanderson can pick up SoIF when Martin croaks...
So I just finished the Farseer Trilogy. Its very good, but the ending has pissed me right the fuck off. The pacing is fairly slow as well.
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Actually, the more I think about it, the more the ending absolutely pisses right the fuck off. I'd give the first 2 books 4 out of 5. The last I give a 1. Its just so pointlessly melodramatically sad.
I just finished the 4th book of A Song of Ice and Fire series. So far I think it is pretty good.

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