Audi R8 - Track day

You just did what he did... You showed us a picture of a car that may or may not be yours. You both need proof holding up proper TW logo signs with insults at each other.


Didn't you leave these forums for awhile? Stay gone, please.

edit- Seems that BMW's have alot of upkeep $$ :(
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Your shtick is terrible Glare. If you're going to stick to having a car that you think exudes class over the rest of the cars, at least pick something that you can't buy used for 30k after 2 years. Also, maybe keep up to date on the body styles because I don't think you noticed that your linked pic is an F gen and you started talking about owning a 7 series before the F gens were out.

Today I found out to my surprise that Glare is full of shit. I are v. surprise :rofl: