Fantasy/Sci-fi Book recommendations revisited


Basically about the the human Empire which is run by an Emperor who figured out how to revive the dead into basically undead and turns fallen military heroes and political allies into them to run the empire of regular living humans. The Empire gets into a war with another faction of humans who have basically turned themselves into cyborgs all plugged into a collective AI who oversees everything they do. Surprisingly not cheesy at all.

"Walter M. Miller's acclaimed SF classic A Canticle for Leibowitz opens with the accidental excavation of a holy artifact: a creased, brittle memo scrawled by the hand of the blessed Saint Leibowitz, that reads: "Pound pastrami, can kraut, six bagels--bring home for Emma." To the Brothers of Saint Leibowitz, this sacred shopping list penned by an obscure, 20th-century engineer is a symbol of hope from the distant past, from before the Simplification, the fiery atomic holocaust that plunged the earth into darkness and ignorance."
Dresden/Codex Alera are both great, as is Harrington.

Some newer ones I have read recently:

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

The Painted Man by Peter Brett

They have a lot in common, and are both extremely good. The Name of the Wind particularly is one of the best I have read in a long time, and The Painted Man just has a really cool universe (Every night demons/elementals come up from the ground, all over the place, from the 'core' and just kill everyone, and the only thing stopping them are magic wards people hide behind)
You said Sci/Fi so I'll put one up for John Scalzi Books by John Scalzi « Whatever

His books are almost an homage to Robert A. Heinlein, but I like them because of the sometimes serious, often hilarious, always ridiculous shit that he thinks up. His characters have the feel of real people. Good stuff.
Kingkiller chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss (name of the wind series)

Gentleman Bastards sequence (the lies of locke lamora, Red Seas Under Red Skies)

Prince of Nothing series by R Scott Baker(The Darkness That Comes Before / The Warrior Prophet / The Thousandfold Thought)

First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie (The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged. Last Argument of Kings + standalones: Best Served Cold)

and prob one of my favs right now...The Malazan Book of the Fallen + side stories Steven Erikson and Ian Casselmont

1. Gardens of the Moon (1999)
2. Deadhouse Gates (2000)
3. Memories of Ice (2001)
4. House of Chains (2002)
5. Midnight Tides (2004)
6. The Bonehunters (2006)
7. Reaper's Gale (2007)
8. Toll the Hounds (2008)
9. Dust of Dreams (2009)
10. The Crippled God (forthcoming)

Novellas in the Series

1. Blood Follows (2002)
2. The Healthy Dead (2004)
3. The Lees of Laughter's End (2007)
4. Crack’d Pot Trail (2009)[9]

Novels of the Malazan Empire

1. Night of Knives (2004, written by Ian Cameron Esslemont).
2. Return of the Crimson Guard (2008, written by Ian Cameron Esslemont).
3. Stonewielder (2010, written by Ian Cameron Esslemont).

The Painted Man series by Peter Brett
The Black Company series by Glen Cook
The Chronicles of the Dread Empire series by Glen Cook
if you havn't read any gene wolfe, I would start with the book of the new sun - that's four very dense novels that will keep you busy for a while. They're extremely well written. They may not be exactly what you're looking for if you want a more traditional sword and sorcery book but I would keep them on the list.

for something more traditional, the raymond e feist 'riftwar' series is a classic, and if you like them he's written a few more.