The political thread to end all political threads [DATABASE] [STICKY]

describe yourself on:

disgusting procedure and should be avoided at all costs but, its the woman's body, which means its her property and we all have rights to life, liberty and property. the rights of the unborn fetus cannot supersede the rights of the carrying mothers rights to the above rights listed above.
Death Penalty
only if there is DNA evidence. otherwise, supermax their asses.
Gay Rights
they have rights to life, liberty and property. your rights cannot supersede theirs.
Illegal Immigration
on the surface, i believe in total free trade of goods, services and labor. but ever nation must have secure borders and it must be enforced. kick them all out.
Federal Budget
disgusting. all forms of incomes taxes should be outlawed and a national sales tax implemented. dont like your govt, dont buy anything. this will also get rid of lobbyists.
War (this one)
what war? this is a massive police action being implemented by our military.
War (in general)
defensive only and only on American soil. no oversea military bases at all.
everyone should be taught how to use them in a class in junior HS. all type, hand guns, assault riffles, shotguns and rifles. this should be a defensive and offensive class as well as hand to hand combat.
Net Neutrality
keep your hands off my interwebs.
you have a right to life, liberty and your property.
Smoking Bans
govt have no legal authority to tell business owners to discriminate against potential customers.
Transfats/Soda-tax etc
i am all for national sale tax if they remove the income tax
Religion (in govt)
govt should stay out of all religious institutions
Religion (in general)
totally against corporate religions and believe in personal religious studies.
is in the eye of the beholder
Israel v. Palestine
the shit hole of most of the worlds problems. let they kill each other.
Best Korea v. South Korea
lil kim is really funny and his people are so fucked up in the head i dont believe it possible to deprogram them.
Bill Clinton
total douche
George W Bush
total douche
Barack Obama
worse douche than the above two combined.
Sarah Palin
totally hawt but a douche
What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.)
i am an old school liberal. a libertarian which closely follows Minarchist and have a lot of The Old Right.
This is my political standing for America in 2012:

Jacob Zuma of South Africa must become President of the United States. People think its crazy that we have a black guy, lets give them a polygamist Zulu. I bet that will stop the "Obama was born in Africa cries" when Zuma goes apeshit.

Capt. Paul Watson must be Vice President. Vice Presidents are always more insane then their presidents, and Paul Watson is about the only guy I can think of that may give Zuma a run for his money.

Shaq must run the House.




I probably lost count and fucked that up somewhere along. We don't have a republican party in the great-white north and our right-winged politics wouldn't really be an equal, but if I was in the States, I guess I would support the democratic party.
Fine, I'll play ball.

Abortion - Most instances it shouldn't be allowed. But there are those few instances in which it would be okay.

Death Penalty - For it, but we should make it not so expensive.

Gay Rights - Everyone should have the same rights.

Illegal Immigration - gtfo

Federal Budget - balance it, shrink the gov't.

War (this one) - For it.

War (in general) - For it, if it's legit.

Guns - awesome

Net Neutrality - gay

Drugs - Tragic, but should be legal. Not up to the gov't to be our babysitter.

Smoking Bans - Stupid.

Transfats/Soda-tax etc - Gross, we need to make an effort to cut that stuff out of our diet.

Religion (in govt) - Horrible idea, shouldn't be tolerated.

Religion (in general) - Too many religions preach nonsense and wicked things.

Terrorism - Fuck em.

Israel v. Palestine - Palestine blows, Israel are a bunch of bitches.

Best Korea v. South Korea - N. Korea can suck it, S. Korea is cool though.

PETA - fuck them.

Bill Clinton - gay

George W Bush - dumb

Barack Obama - Overrated as shit.

Sarah Palin - Dumb as shit. Makes Bush look intelligent.

I guess I could be considered somewhat of a libertarian.
Economically conservative, a bit more socially liberal.
Abortion: Not my business, do what you want

Death Penalty: 1 appeal with latest available forensics, then fry them

Gay Rights: Same rights as everyone else

Illegal Immigration: I don't like expensive strawberries or maid service. Let them in but stop paying for their health care.

Federal Budget: No such thing. Budgets by definition have limits.

War (this one): Stupid

War (in general): Great

Guns: Fine in the hands of the responsible

Net Neutrality: Whatever protects corporate interests first

Drugs: Not my business, do what you want just don't drive

Smoking Bans: Don't smoke, don't care. Should be up to businesses if they want to allow it or not though

Transfats/Soda-tax etc: Stupid, it would only increase the cost of our food beyond what it would cost to replace with healthier options

Religion (in govt): No place

Religion (in general): Worship what you want, just don't tell me what to do

Terrorism: Overblown

Israel v. Palestine: I don't live there, fuck them both

Best Korea v. South Korea: kekekekekeke

PETA: Whack jobs

Bill Clinton: Had it easy, takes too much credit

George W Bush: Had it tough, but mostly brought it on himself

Barack Obama: Spending too much

Sarah Palin: Nice shoes, would fuck

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.) Open minded free thinker
Abortion - Don't care/Let them do it

Death Penalty - Against

Gay Rights - Equal rights/marriage

Illegal Immigration - Don't care

Federal Budget - Huge cuts to military spending, increase spending on socialized health care, raise taxes on rich, pay down debt

War (this one) - Against

War (in general) - Against

Guns - Against

Net Neutrality - All for it

Drugs - Tax em and use the money to pay for rehab centers, fucking druggies

Smoking Bans - All for

Transfats/Soda-tax etc - All for

Religion (in govt) - Bad idea

Religion (in general) - Bad idea

Terrorism - Don't care

Israel v. Palestine - Stop all aid to israel, Economic sanctions over treatment of palestinians

Best Korea v. South Korea- Don't care, Keep up relations with south korea

PETA - Don't care

Bill Clinton - Don't care

George W Bush - Don't care

Barack Obama - Not keeping campaign promises

Sarah Palin - Don't care
describe yourself on:


Death Penalty
Pro, with some caveats.

Gay Rights
Pro. Marriage is a legal contract, not an "institution."

Illegal Immigration
Secure our borders, punish infractions. AZ law is flawed, but a start.

Federal Budget
Balance the goddamn budget already.

War (this one)
Afghanistan good, Iraq bad.

War (in general)
The only option when diplomacy fails.

Stupid people shouldn't own them.

Net Neutrality
Another thing the gov't needs to keeps its nose out of. Let ISP's dictate their QoS parameters (like they've done for years).

Legalize it.

Smoking Bans

Transfats/Soda-tax etc
Also stupid.

Religion (in govt)
Prayer in schools, the opening of public meetings, or the 10 commandments hanging in a courthouse is not religion.

Religion (in general)
Generally opposed. Gives some people purpose.

Also opposed.

Israel v. Palestine
"Survival of the fittest."

Best Korea v. South Korea


Bill Clinton
Capable President, but shifty.

George W Bush
Misguided. Not the buffoon the Left would lead you to believe.

Barack Obama
More of the same from the Left. No change, hope fading.

Sarah Palin
Dumb bitch.

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.)
Well since people are actually answering it...

Abortion: Legalize all versions of murder and I'm OK with it. Otherwise, no.

Death Penalty: Terrorist leaders, mafia chiefs, gang leaders, etc. only. Basically only the heavily-connected who can still "shot call" or cause havoc to society from behind prison walls. Then, only then, can execution (in this country) be justified as it is being done to preserve public safety. Capital punishment should never be for "justice" or revenge, only public safety.

Gay Rights: Sure. Leave marriage up to the citizens/gov't of each state please, as they are the ones with the rights to define who should be eligible for what state-sponsored privileges/contracts.

Illegal Immigration: I'm with Maddox and Penn & Teller on this. Go read Maddox's post on this and watch the Bullshit! episode on illegal immigration. I'm too lazy to explain.

Federal Budget: AHAHAHAHAHA

War (this one): Winning the hearts and minds is impossible in Afghanistan, but seems to have worked in Iraq. Good. Hopefully Iraq becomes another Egypt and can act as a buffer against Iran. Afghanistan needs to join the last millennium to have any chance and we can't do that.

War (in general): Awesome to watch. Awesome for video games. Not so awesome in real life.

Guns: Awesome to watch. Awesome for video games. Awesome in real life.

Net Neutrality: A thinly disguised way for the Feds to seize control of the Internet, ISPs and content makers. No thanks.

Drugs: I hate drug users, but wouldn't raise cain if weed was de-criminalized.

Smoking Bans: Statewide bans are asinine. Leave it to localities if they have a real problem with it. Otherwise, no.

Transfats/Soda-tax etc: Absolutely pointless.

Religion (in govt): In God We Trust is as far as the Feds should go. Leave it up to each state/local gov't on how far they want to go with moments of silence, Ten Commandments on the wall, etc. Never endorse one religion, but never endorse NO religion either.

Religion (in general): Everyone else is wrong.

Terrorism: Can get fucked

Israel v. Palestine: Arabs would hate the Palestinians if they didn't have the Jews to kick around. Palestinians made their beds in 1948 when they didn't agree to the UN's terms. Asking Israel to give back their land would be like Mexico telling us to give back what they ceded in 1848. That said, Israel should play it smart and recognize they are heavily outnumbered and the long-term demographics do not favor them.

Best Korea v. South Korea: Communists versus weirdos. Nuke the peninsula.

PETA: PETA Kills Animals |

Bill Clinton: Got his dick sucked by a fatty and lied under oath. Shameful on both counts.

George W Bush: Good on foreign policy and abortion/stem cells. Bad on everything else.

Barack Obama: No.

Sarah Palin: No.

What do you call yourself: I usually refer to myself as "me."
Pro Choice. Those against it are usually just trying to force their religious views on the rest of the country.

Death Penalty
Pro. However should be reformed. Should only be used in cases with DNA evidence proving guilt. 1 appeal after initial trial done within a years time. After losing appeal sentence should be carried out within a week. Should be pay per view with proceeds going to help cover costs and remainder to the victim of the crime family. No more life in jail. If the crime is bad enough for life in jail. Remove the criminal from the world. Hopefully those steps would bring it back around to being a deterrent.

Gay Rights
I'm guessing this is about gays being able to marry other fags. Let them be able to marry each other. It doesn't infringe on anyone else's rights by letting them marry.

Illegal Immigration
Stiffer penalties against companies that hire illegals. Enforcement of current immigration laws. I'm all for people being able to become U.S. citizens. As long as they do it legally. Usually those that come here and become legal citizens are better citizens than those of us born here.

Federal Budget
Cuts are gonna need to be made. Some people are gonna have to put their big girl panties on and take care of them self instead of relying Uncle Sam. that goes for welfare recipients, medicare/medicaid, farm subsidies and so on. If we aren't bringing in enough money to the federal coffers. We shouldn't be just printing money to cover overages.

War (this one)
Both are needed

War (in general)
Sometimes it's unfortunately the only option available.

Leave peoples guns alone.

Net Neutrality
No one should be limited on what sites they can visit

Legalize and tax them. If someone wants to smoke a joint, snort a line or shoot up in their home let them. The War on Drugs is an unwinable money sink. Prohibition should have taught people that criminalizing drugs will only make crime worse.

Smoking Bans
Businesses should be able to decide for themselves if they wish to be smoke free or not.

Transfats/Soda-tax etc
Stupid and just a income source for government.

Religion (in govt)
Has no place. However I'm not against manger scenes on state property around christmas or a cross that's been on federal land for decades.

Religion (in general)
I don't subscribe to any. However I don't care if someone feels better if they believe in a big guy in the sky or that we came from unicorn shit. As long as they don't try to use religion to infringe on someones rights I'm ok.

bad mmkay

Israel v. Palestine
Israel is here to stay. The sooner Palestinians and other muslim countries realize that and stop sending suicide bombers, lobbing rockets or any other hostilities towards Israel the better.


Bill Clinton
Don't care for his politics but you gotta admit he's a likeable guy

George W Bush
Better than the other 2 choices some things agreed with. Some I didn't

Barack Obama
Don't care for his politics

Sarah Palin
Only thing I'd be interested in from her is a playboy photo shoot

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.)
Abortion. I don't care about unborn fetuses. Birth seems like a perfectly reasonable legal cutoff, but I'd encourage doctors to refuse to do an abortion when delivery is a viable alternative (e.g., third trimester); at that point, just deliver it and put it up for adoption.

Death Penalty. I'm for it, even if for nothing more than sanitary purposes.

Gay Rights. No such thing.

Illegal Immigration. The only people that have a problem with illegal immigration are nationalists.

Federal Budget. It shouldn't exist.

War (this one). Which one? There are a few. Actually, nevermind. We should pull out of all of them, even our hunt for Omar, bin Laden, and members of their respective groups.

War (in general). Pretty silly question to ask for a position on. I don't suspect you'll find many folks that "in general" favor war, at least none that would openly admit it. But I think most wars are unjustified, sending kids from rough backgrounds or impoverished families to go die fighting battles for some power-hungry suit that sits up in his ivory tower ... "in general."

Guns. Just another innocuous hunk of metal.

Net Neutrality. Some weasel-word term that stands for exactly the opposite of what it claims to support: fairness.

Drugs. I think regulatory departments and administrations like the FDA hinder innovation, market entry, and research.

Smoking Bans. A violation of property rights.

Transfats/Soda-tax etc. A violation of property rights.

Religion (in govt). That's a loaded question. I'm not going to bother defining "in government." I'll just say that it's probably a bad idea, but I'm fine with religious zealots holding office. If they have the authority to take my money and use it to fund their religion, then I'd say that's a fault of our government, not the religious zealot.

Religion (in general). It depends on the religion. The religion-in-name-only of most people is silly and immature. I can respect the scholarly types, even if I do think they're rather misguided.

Terrorism. Another silly question. Terrorists are bad.

Israel v. Palestine. I don't care who wins. Neither should be getting my money, let alone both.

Best Korea v. South Korea. I don't care.

PETA. I don't care. Incidentally, PETA pounds have a 97% kill rate.

Bill Clinton. Best president of the last 30 years.

George W Bush. Worst president of the last 30 years.

Barack Obama. On track to taking Bush's place.

Sarah Palin. Desperate.

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.). A Capitalist.
Abortion. I don't care about unborn fetuses. Birth seems like a perfectly reasonable legal cutoff, but I'd encourage doctors to refuse to do an abortion when delivery is a viable alternative (e.g., third trimester); at that point, just deliver it and put it up for adoption.

Death Penalty. I'm for it, even if for nothing more than sanitary purposes.

Gay Rights. No such thing.

Illegal Immigration. The only people that have a problem with illegal immigration are nationalists.

Federal Budget. It shouldn't exist.

War (this one). Which one? There are a few. Actually, nevermind. We should pull out of all of them, even our hunt for Omar, bin Laden, and members of their respective groups.

War (in general). Pretty silly question to ask for a position on. I don't suspect you'll find many folks that "in general" favor war, at least none that would openly admit it. But I think most wars are unjustified, sending kids from rough backgrounds or impoverished families to go die fighting battles for some power-hungry suit that sits up in his ivory tower ... "in general."

Guns. Just another innocuous hunk of metal.

Net Neutrality. Some Dweasel-word term that stands for exactly the opposite of what it claims to support: fairness.

Drugs. I think regulatory departments and administrations like the FDA hinder innovation, market entry, and research.

Smoking Bans. A violation of property rights.

Transfats/Soda-tax etc. A violation of property rights.

Religion (in govt). That's a loaded question. I'm not going to bother defining "in government." I'll just say that it's probably a bad idea, but I'm fine with religious zealots holding office. If they have the authority to take my money and use it to fund their religion, then I'd say that's a fault of our government, not the religious zealot.

Religion (in general). It depends on the religion. The religion-in-name-only of most people is silly and immature. I can respect the scholarly types, even if I do think they're rather misguided.

Terrorism. Another silly question. Terrorists are bad.

Israel v. Palestine. I don't care who wins. Neither should be getting my money, let alone both.

Best Korea v. South Korea. I don't care.

PETA. I don't care. Incidentally, PETA pounds have a 97% kill rate.

Bill Clinton. Best president of the last 30 years.

George W Bush. Worst president of the last 30 years.

Barack Obama. On track to taking Bush's place.

Sarah Palin. Desperate.

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.). A Capitalist.

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha :clap:
describe yourself on:


Death Penalty

Gay Rights

Illegal Immigration
Kill them

Federal Budget
Don't care

War (this one)

Nuke the shit out of them
War (in general)

Nuke the shit out of everyone
Fuck yeah

Net Neutrality

Hell yeah

Smoking Bans

Transfats/Soda-tax etc
Fuck that

Religion (in govt)

Religion (in general)

If targeted against muslims, yes.

Israel v. Palestine
Kill them all

Best Korea v. South Korea


Bill Clinton

George W Bush

Barack Obama

Sarah Palin

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.)
I'm the Juggernaut, bitch