i ate that new kfc chicken thing today

This sandwich is better for you than a big mac, it's not a big deal in the world of fast food. Props to KFC on the marketing though.
I'm 5'6", 240 lbs (not fat though)- ate two of these yesterday but I did a lot of bench press and curls so I burned it off.
someone at work bet me i wouldn't eat it- the bet being the price of the sandwich

i won the bet


so i went into nigfc today at lunch and there were probably 5-7 other people in there and every single one of them was eating this damn thing

about 5 more people came in during the time i was eating and every one of them ordered this chicken bun bacon cheese fucking bunt


it's definitely bigger than i expected- pretty much 2 med/small chicken breasts with some bacon, cheese, and weird sauce in the middle

it doesn't really work as a sandwich. there's no way you can put the top and the bottom half in your mouth at the same time and also, since the breasts aren't really consistently shaped, it's more just like 2 chicken breasts in a bag with shit in between them

overall it wasn't nearly as disgusting, nor as awesome, as i expected

since i rarely eat fast food (especially not kfc), i won't be eating it again, but i'm glad to say that i did

male, 31, 5'11", 155lbs

the end
Huge fat disappoint.