
So what happened with the whole contest situation? I wasn't able to read up on it, due to me being a member account.

Could anyone fill me in? I noticed the moved thread was no longer here, so figured some new bit of information was given.
uh, PM me if you want to really talk about it.

But the latest is they had said the GM would meet with me. He met with lawyers first and they told him not to. Lawyers screw everything up.

And no I won't be getting my own lawyer. Next step is a smear website I guess with the facts and we can let people decide for themselves.
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Lame. Yeah, I figured to PM, but didn't want to search your name :D

Thank you for the response, though. Lawyers do indeed fuck everything up, especially Jewish ones.
uh, PM me if you want to really talk about it.

But the latest is they had said the GM would meet with me. He met with lawyers first and they told him not to. Lawyers screw everything up.

And no I won't be getting my own lawyer. Next step is a smear website I guess with the facts and we can let people decide for themselves.

seriously telos talk to a non-family-friend lawyer about this you spaz

your family friend lawyers who are actually patent attorneys or corporate tax law lawyers dont qualify
you got totally butt fucked and nothing outside of a lawyer is going to fix it, really not surprise they wouldn't let you meet with the gm
uh, PM me if you want to really talk about it.

But the latest is they had said the GM would meet with me. He met with lawyers first and they told him not to. Lawyers screw everything up.

And no I won't be getting my own lawyer. Next step is a smear website I guess with the facts and we can let people decide for themselves.

Am I not the only that saw this coming?
Uh I knew it was a possibility all along but I still feel it was cleanest to go that route first. Its pretty fucking easy to say "ha ha what a stupid path you took" when its already run its course. Hindsight is 20/20.
Well, either the reporter/paper goes for it or they don't. Just based on the merit of the story. In which case they would interview you. So it isn't as if you need to spell out your argument in advance per se.

I have contacts at both if you need me to drop them a line and see if there's interest for a story there.
Telos is seriously dragging his fucking feet on this.

wtf man its been a week. you should definitely get fargo to contact the papers for you and you should also contact the local tv stations.

those local tv stations will eat up something like this.
-enter contest
-get TW to help Vote
-TW helps and hurts, draws a lot of attention with some of the asshattery.
-Lose 2500 votes during the course of the contest due to "irregular voter activity"
-Many of those "irregular votes" get reinstated because they were actually legitimate, the contest admin just sucks at running a fair contest.
-Finish the contest up by 980 or so votes after second place couple gets 1800 votes in the last hour.
-at midnight the night of the announcement I get an e-mail that says. "you're disqualified". Reasons being voter actions. (should have no bearing on contestants, can't control the internet)
- try and get clarification from the contest admin. They basically say "what we say is final, we will no longer discuss the matter with you"
-TW freaks out and gets stalkerish drawing even more negative attention to us. Yes the other couple did see all of their personal information posted and the mention of vandalism at the dealership and mention of crashing the wedding. It may have been in jest but they took it seriously and talked to feldmann, thanks for that guys.
-Talk to feldmann via e-mail, they are very helpful.
-Speak to the manager of internet sales and advertisement and she says she will set up a meeting with me and the GM/Owner to discuss my concerns about the way the contest was administered.
- Feldmann changes tone after apparently talking to a lawyer.

-Some TWers plays lawyer and freak out more. They can attack me all they want but its not helping the situation. Basically they have added another layer of shit for me to deal with, the retarded threats that no one should take seriously but did.

-At this point it is probably best to leave most of TW out of it since there are only a few that seem to be able to conduct themselves in matter that doesn't draw more negative attention.