Tribalwar Statistics: July Update


TribalWar Aussie
Veteran XX
Well in proud tradition of TW, nerdyness, and needless statistics here is a fresh update to the TW stats. For ref the most recent one of these was March. Although last years were August, April, Feb.

Front page stories top 10. With Hit rate

1	KnightMare 	144    83.24%
2	DudeofDeath 	102    87.18%
3	Beren 	         54    87.10%
4	OtakuMark 	 53    84.13%
5	Colosus 	 50    53.76%
6	Evil Light Bulb  35    72.92%
7	Xionic 	         30    90.91%
8	DemonKyoto 	 22    64.71%
9	Got Haggis? 	 19    86.36%
10	Rayn 	         16    45.71%

List still being owned by KM and DoD. But there are quite a few more people submitting these days, who only have 1 or 2, and less so the big peoples. It will be good if there is a bit more competition for the top spots soon.

So who are the people who actually get stuff to the front page?

1	Chaoz	        966
2	DudeofDeath     765
3	Beren	        719
4	Apc	        677
5	Skyler	        663
6	DarkBlade    	569
7	henry 	        504
8	Nekkron      	500
9	KnightMare   	404
10	GlassShadow 	375
11	Colosus	        345
12	Moogly 	        316
13	Yogi	        278
14	Gundam	        264
15	Evil Light Bulb 257

Infraction count... with percentage increase since last stats thread. Good to see that rat's isn't above 1000% increase this time..

1	Beren	    372	30.53%
2	Colosus	    217	29.94%
3	Rayn	    121	11.01%
4	Fool	    110	39.24%
5	Ratorasniki  39 11.43%
6	Yogi	     24	20.00%
7	Yankee	     18	38.46%

User Group Tallies

1	Member	          4147	-17.16%
2	Veteran	          3751	 39.18%
3	Veteran ++	  3315	  3.85%
4	Veteran 3	  2540	 15.56%
5	Veteran 2	  2056	-12.47%
6	Veteran 4	  1389	 -2.66%
7	Veteran 5	  1063	 34.56%
8	Banned	           678	  8.83%

Top 100 Whore Bags, with posts since last thread, poster per day in that period and the % change since last stats thread.

1	Kurayami  	87438	5096	42.12	6.19%
2	JuggerNaught 	71281	3086	25.50	4.53%
3	Fool 	        68213	2332	19.27	3.54%
4	nigafool 	66324	4333	35.81	6.99%
5	FngrBANG 	57111	3014	24.91	5.57%
6	Data 	        55126	660	5.45	1.21%
7	triple 	        49211	2225	18.39	4.74%
8	Glare 	        48859	1773	14.65	3.77%
9	BadMoFo 	48436	1597	13.20	3.41%
10	SarcaStick 	48069	-1	-0.01	0.00%
11	Vlasic 	        47341	875	7.23	1.88%
12	orbital 123 	45958	901	7.45	2.00%
13	Sircle 	        45935	1342	11.09	3.01%
14	Baby Bew 	43130	249	2.06	0.58%
15	Excel 	        42797	1802	14.89	4.40%
16	iNVAR 	        40355	929	7.68	2.36%
17	herbtown 	40278	53	0.44	0.13%
18	AkumA 	        38779	2276	18.81	6.24%
19	Tribalbob 	38455	2740	22.64	7.67%
20	Brasstax 	38194	2977	24.60	8.45%
21	aScotiA 	37419	882	7.29	2.41%
22	Rayn 	        36942	3139	25.94	9.29%
23	Sir Lucius 	36907	503	4.16	1.38%
24	Bodom 	        36637	313	2.59	0.86%
25	free 	        36346	0	0.00	0.00%
26	link_ 	        35735	2352	19.44	7.05%
27	Moker 	        35636	0	0.00	0.00%
28	El Mariachi 	35361	24	0.20	0.07%
29	Diablo Escobar 	34970	1220	10.08	3.61%
30	Fancy Cat 	34951	1011	8.36	2.98%
31	Falhawk 	34846	2176	17.98	6.66%
32	Automatic Jack 	33851	1291	10.67	3.96%
33	nurp 	        33827	0	0.00	0.00%
34	Pagy 	        33811	0	0.00	0.00%
35	ayz 	        33795	2783	23.00	8.97%
36	nolt 	        33202	373	3.08	1.14%
37	HomeSlice 	32971	1888	15.60	6.07%
38	Durak 	        32929	2500	20.66	8.22%
39	Gangrel 	32520	632	5.22	1.98%
40	Reno 	        32470	409	3.38	1.28%
41	Yankee 	        31390	690	5.70	2.25%
42	Maniacal 	31038	29	0.24	0.09%
43	BeavisNuke 	30625	2	0.02	0.01%
44	JodoFett 	29781	2646	21.87	9.75%
45	Bad_CRC 	29318	771	6.37	2.70%
46	cyanide 	29227	1075	8.88	3.82%
47	Anguish 	28593	540	4.46	1.92%
48	GreyGhost 	28296	1548	12.79	5.79%
49	LogRoller 	27934	974	8.05	3.61%
50	Vanster 	27713	2051	16.95	7.99%
51	Reggs 	        27704	1253	10.36	4.74%
52	Daedalus 	27658	871	7.20	3.25%
53	T-Funk 	        26954	1244	10.28	4.84%
54	Bounty 	        26646	939	7.76	3.65%
55	xpdnc 	        26557	224	1.85	0.85%
56	Wren 	        26346	23	0.19	0.09%
57	KnightMare 	26328	1386	11.45	5.56%
58	Doaln 	        26269	6	0.05	0.02%
59	TonyElTigre 	26009	1994	16.48	8.30%
60	Got Haggis? 	25980	631	5.21	2.49%
61	Beren 	        25877	873	7.21	3.49%
62	eggo 	        25827	1313	10.85	5.36%
63	ptavv 	        25513	1429	11.81	5.93%
64	Spiderman 	25311	1083	8.95	4.47%
65	FireStorm! 	24505	187	1.55	0.77%
66	Dark Volcanic 	24447	1039	8.59	4.44%
67	slogg 	        24202	408	3.37	1.71%
68	brakums 	24155	9	0.07	0.04%
69	Yaason 	        24086	368	3.04	1.55%
70	PsioniX 	24048	34	0.28	0.14%
71	Archimedes 	24035	540	4.46	2.30%
72	DwarfVader 	23991	1088	8.99	4.75%
73	amRam 	        23926	254	2.10	1.07%
74	Terra 	        23527	107	0.88	0.46%
75	Ceiling_Fan 	23490	0	0.00	0.00%
76	JoMo 	        23402	2559	21.15	12.28%
77	james 	        23233	847	7.00	3.78%
78	MaD_ReBeL 	23016	660	5.45	2.95%
79	ScooBySnaCk 	22834	1877	15.51	8.96%
80	SniperOmega 	22534	361	2.98	1.63%
81	Ben Reed 	22438	312	2.58	1.41%
82	MeSlayer 	22127	1641	13.56	8.01%
83	Special---K 	22030	0	0.00	0.00%
84	Geck0 	        21852	139	1.15	0.64%
85	untouchable 	21849	81	0.67	0.37%
86	Aestis 	        21733	0	0.00	0.00%
87	DocHolliday 	21650	721	5.96	3.44%
88	Mirage 	        21460	0	0.00	0.00%
89	Midnj 	        21255	251	2.07	1.20%
90	Morbid 	        21134	815	6.74	4.01%
91	nSpectre 	21025	441	3.64	2.14%
92	Stilgar 	20978	2809	23.21	15.46%
93	Pachacutec 	20899	7	0.06	0.03%
94	stone 	        20812	0	0.00	0.00%
95	Nomad 	        20640	508	4.20	2.52%
96	TseTse 	        20623	2257	18.65	12.29%
97	Musashi 	20591	744	6.15	3.75%
98	HelenKeller 	20580	263	2.17	1.29%
99	mox 	        20546	0	0.00	0.00%
100	Jazmine 	20314	141	1.17	0.70%

I might do a thread killer stat tomorrow.. sleepy time here. I doubt much changes on the thread killer stat, hence not too fussed by it.
Kinda weird I'm still near the top since I stopped posting news for 6 weeks starting last November and have only posted a few stories this year, several of which never made it to the front page because the site went down for repairs at those times.

People need to bump the stories more, not just there own either... so the news on the front page is as current as possible. Good news is here and now, not 2 or 3 days later.