looking at getting an apartment with a roommate

Roommates allways fuck you over or vice versa. Very Rarely does it end well.

All the roommate stories on TW are the bad times. I have yet to see a thread about someone scoring with a really hot woman who turned out to be awesome in bed because his roommate played wingman just after turning in his half of the bills and offering to be the DD as well.

Notorize and don't have them on the lease. It does make it harder to get rid of them if they suck, especially if they lose the habit of paying the rent.
Dang that sucks Suicide and Strega. Just makes me pissed reading both of them.

Suicide, where was Mac during the court, lease ownership, etc. You mentioned he was outside to the judge and he could back up all your claims, but you never said if he came in or not. It sounds like he did nothing to help you out.
Wow all those MadCunt stories put my roommate stories to shame. Let's see.

College the first group of guys were cool the first semester, four of 'em and two seniors. The seniors were quiet, intelligent, not too frat boyish. One of the others was a junior, he was a star trek nerdy guy who liked to fight with swords (kid you not campus had a club for that) He was cool though. My roommate was a stereotypical partying womanizer guy. We got along well enough but I didn't think too fond of him.

Next semester switched up the seniors were replaced by two freshmen. They were the beginning of the nasty shit. One was fat, and had a condition where the pores in his feet were 3x normal size and sweat constantly. His feet smelled like a dead animal, all the time. The other one was a country/folk music loving redneck punk-wannabe. He was so paranoid about people possibly taking his food he ate entirely out of cans and pickle jars, which he all stored in his closet.

Following year I'm stuck with the two frreshmen again and add a polysci major. That guy was pretty cool, he was veyr laid back even when talking about politics. That year sucked because while he was cool, he treated the Foreman grill as cast iron and thought by not cleaning it you would get more flavor for the next time around. I had to throw that grill out it was beyond salvation. Redneck gets an AA GF that used to be hot but turned all trashy, fat roommate with foot problem still smelled up the place.

Get an apartment with a live-in GF that took a huge dive. I try to forget that one, it was bad and left me broke. Tried an older roommate who just needed a place to stay to commute to work. It was good for 2 months until he had to leave (wife fired, couldn't afford house) and I had to live on credit.

Old college roommate (the partying womanizer) needs a place to stay, we run out half of a condo owned by his grandmother. He turns into a douchewad almost instantly, feeling that his grandmother owns the place gives him some kind of lordship over the place. Partied whenever, woke me up some nights when I had to work early. Eventually the credit debt piled up so badly I had to call it, left his ass and forced to move in with the folks to pay off CC debt and form a plan.

No roommates next time or it's on my own terms.
Roommates allways fuck you over or vice versa. Very Rarely does it end well.

roommates are just fine. i had a roommate all 4 years of college (1 for 3 years straight), have been living by myself for a year, and will probably pick up a roommate again this fall when my lease runs out so i can get a massive 1500 sq ft loft.

you just need to be wary of who you're rooming with. sounds like the majority of bad roommate stories here are due to deadbeats and douchebags.
I have 2 roommates now. I own the place, and Colosus and a guy I work with rents the other room. They pay their rent on time, and they pay their bills when I ask for it. They keep the place relatively clean, but none of us are neat freaks. We'll have a maid in about a week taking care of that shit.

Hey Colosus, got any plates I can borrow?
Damn I had no idea Madcat was that insane. She looked like a crackwhore when i met her in Portland at Tribescon but shit son...
this thread has spawned epic awesomeness. i am glad i created it.

i have in interview ithe a good potential roommate. i will update later

I spoke to Strega afterwards and we had Scumbag Story Time a couple of times, but I never heard the full story.... it's as bad as mine.

And again.... the whole hindsight being 20/20 thing.... I always thought the two of them were cool, and I wrote off the horrible shit they said about each other to just girl/guy relationship drama.

Dang that sucks Suicide and Strega. Just makes me pissed reading both of them.

Suicide, where was Mac during the court, lease ownership, etc. You mentioned he was outside to the judge and he could back up all your claims, but you never said if he came in or not. It sounds like he did nothing to help you out.

That's what fucking galled me.

Initially Mac was in the courtroom with us, and at the start of the hearing the judge asked "Who is that" and had him removed from the court, making him go wait in the hall. The reason they do that is if you're a witness in a court, you can't come in the courtroom until you're going to testify. I guess they do this so the witness comes in fresh and doesn't know what went on in court beforehand.

Bringing Mac as a witness was an absolute waste of time, also. I didn't know it at the time and I wouldn't find out about this until it was all over, but in Washoe county Nevada the only stipulation you need to get a restraint order put on someone is to say "I'm afraid of them".

That's it.

"I'm afraid."

This is why I thought I was in the Twilight Zone because immediately after the judge asked me "Mr. Acevedo, are you afraid of this woman?", she made her decision when I said "Uhhhhh" and the scumbag said "Yes he is going to kill me". I was never even allowed to bring Mac into the courtroom.

In Reno the cops and social workers and stuff call the whole thing a "trailer park divorce". It's the easiest way for a person (99 percent of the time a chick, of course) to get rid of their spouse.