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  1. R

    Tech help

    Never do a favor for someone you've never met. A lady my wife works with had some monitor problems last year and my wife told her we had an extra one. It sucks so bad we wouldn't take any money for it. It was epilepsy in a can but they wanted it so no problem. So then their hard drive died. I...
  2. R

    Daring Escape from French Prison "Daring escape from French prison Associated Press E-mail this Article Print this Article Aix-En-Provence, France — A hijacked helicopter swooped low over a prison yard in southern...
  3. R

    t1 insensitivity

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has anyone noticed that this is like, the key to being cool on TribalWar? mine has been set way lower than it normally is, but i thought it was normal. for months my taunting has been totally off... finally i...
  4. R

    [T2 Request] DioVictimHud assistance

    Anybody got this working? I have current support.vl2, DioVictimHud version 1.2 and the feedback I get from the console when attempting to launch the HUD is "Invalid Menu Call, Menu does not exist".
  5. R

    [T2] Script Request - Modified Nade/Mine Combo

    I've been trying to do this but I'm too much of a noob. I would like to use the same button for my mine/nade combo as for my regular grenades, but if I am using flare grenades I don't want to toss a mine each time I use one. Right now I either need to bind a second key to mine/nade combo or...