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  1. C

    Can someone change this image to 300dpi real quick?

    Had one of my interns do it instead.. thanks anyway!
  2. C

    Hey TribalWar, need some help finding aerial photographs of Maine.

    Hey guys, Charlie Sheen here. I'm about to pitch a project to some of the studio heads here at Sony. I need some presentation materials and am looking for some high-res images of aerial photographs of Maine, primarily involving towns. Here is a link to a site one of my assistants found, great...
  3. C

    Can anyone think of any films/books/etc where a young guy dates an older woman?

    Charlie Sheen here, I'm at work here at my production office trying to develop a new film based around a young male falling in love with an older woman. I need some examples from film/television/books that have a similar story idea going on... can anyone help me out?