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  1. R


    Hah! Beat you to it Juggs, FU! What pranks are people going to play today?
  2. R

    Having your GF/Wife wipe your ass is the shit

    One huge perk of having a gf/wife is that you should no longer need to spend any time wiping your ass - or if you must do it, you should be able to shut off your brain and vegetate the whole time (i.e. not bother, just pull up ur pants). heres why: 1. So long as your gf/wife aren't stupid/ugly...
  3. R

    [Super Jumbo] A380 set to fly today.

    For anyone interested in planes the Airbus A380 is scheduled for its first test flight today. It's gonna take-off any minute now!!!
  4. R

    [WTF] Flying Dog!

    Anyone seen this? Copy/Paste into new window... So lol, looks so daft...
  5. R

    [NFWS] WHO WANTS SOME ASS? KEYRA ASS GIRL MAKES A COMEBACK OOOOOOH YEAH Yum yum yum I want her bum bum bum :drool:
  6. R

    When TV goes bad...

    This is from a UK TV show called countdown... Vid:
  7. R

    "The Gizmondo" check it out, sounds pretty good, wonder how it stacks up to the PSP It runs on Windows aaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
  8. R

    San Diego Tribers???

    Oldskool triber here. I'm going to be in San Diego for a month from June 18th, I'm 21 from the UK if anyone wants to meet up that would be cool seeing as I'm going to be out there by myself. I will probably be living in a house in Kickapoo??? I hope it's a nice area and not a shithole :)