Search results

  1. A

    Can anyone recommend some post-rock music?

    I've always liked GY!BE and Explosions in the Sky, but it wasn't until I heard 65daysofstatic's "The Fall of Math" album that I wanted to actively find similar music. So, can anybody recommend some? I'd prefer instrumental but if it's completely awesome like ISIS I really don't care. :) Stuff...
  2. A

    9-11 calls from Moussaoui trial released.

    Surprised this hasn't been posted, but maybe I missed it... It appears 2 of the calls, with transcript, have been released from the trial. You can get the MP3s at this link(it's Ogrish, but worksafe WTF)...
  3. A

    What ever happened to that Peter Jennings guy?

    I would like to know.
  4. A

    HAHAHA Australia just lost to the Iraqi soccer team

    1-0 Iraq advances.
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    LOL so even Trampoline is an Olympic Sport..

    on NBC now.
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    [NWS]Cute female streaker does something interesting

    Don't tell me it's OFN because I don't give a shit. Save as please(NWS)
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    Firefox sucks a colossal cock

    Going back to IE. It's a shame, some of the extensions are just so damn awesome but I can't deal with this laggy pos any longer. TLDR: FRANCE SUCKS
  8. A sucks now

    I sure do miss the way it used to be, now half the time I try to look something up it keeps bringing up the most recent songs. Not to mention that gay ass advertisement with the annoying tones. Fuck you :finger:
  9. A

    Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!

  10. A

    all i know is...

    that to me you look like you're lots of fun open up your loving arms i want some, want some i set my sights on you and i, i've got to have my way now, baby all i know is that to me you look like you're having fun open up your lovin' arms watch out here i come
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    My room is fucking cold...

    and if I turn the fan off it will be hot. HELP!
  12. A

    Another Christian review site...

    This site is chock full of hilarity, from the 5 "game experts" to their awesome rating system. Here is an excerpt from their review of Diablo II: One more, of Everquest:
  13. A

    Shawshank Redemption

    Saw it for what must be the twentieth time on AMC tonight, this movie never gets old. Andy rocks the casbah. :)
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    Neo Defeats The Army Of The Clones

    We report. You decide.
  15. A

    Petition to disable posting from sundown to sunup

    Seriously, it's when all the bad shit happens. :] The facts will not betray me.
  16. A

    Help me spend my B&N giftcard(what are your fav books?)...

    Looking for book recommendations... Go ahead and list your favorites. :P
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    GRRM fans: AFFC(fat fuck where's our book)
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    Official CUBS WIN NLCS GAME 7 thread

    preemptive post :) GO CUBBIES!
  19. A

    Go Cowboys!
