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  1. T

    Sort the German version out

    Although you got the patch fiasco fixed relatively quickly, the german version is still a bit of a mess. Currently demos recorded on a german copy of the game can't be played on any other version of T:V. I'm in a mixed european team and this is getting pretty irritating.
  2. T

    HolidayRepeater = IG Janitor?

  3. T

    [BUG] Wierd double grapple release

    Noticed this a while ago while trying to grapple boost + immediately disc jump, figured i should probly post it incase: Fire a grapple line, and hold to reel in. Then release the fire button, and press it again to release the line, at the same time as you press to release the line, switch...
  4. T

    Tycho gets his story straight

    Anyone who remembers the previous thread on PA's Tribes musings will note how nicely his opinion U-turn fits with the discussion in that thread.