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  1. P

    What the hell?

    Probably OFN, but: Is that T:V? OMG, I think it is...
  2. P

    Problem with Vehicle control in Tribes 2.

    For some reason, my mouse movement in all vehicles is messed up. Like it starts out really really slow and when I stop moving the mouse it keeps going. I've had this problem before and reinstalling T2 fixed this, but it didn't this time. I don't know if any of this info would affect it and...
  3. P


    First post in General Discussion. *waits for flames*
  4. P

    Good job Irrational (NOT sarcasm).

    Great job on this game. Before the betas, I thought this would be like the original tribes games. When I heard people talking about the betas from what they played, I thought it was going to be horrible. When I played the open beta, I liked a lot of the ideas, but I didn't like the network code...
  5. P

    [BUG] Ability to switch weapons immediately after shooting?

    I saw someone just doing this, they would shoot with their spinfuser and then switch to their chaingun to fire off a few shots and back to the spinfuser. You don't have to wait after you fire the weapon to switch, you can do it immediately, if you switchback fast enough, you can fire your shot...
  6. P

    Is there a way to run the beta in OpenGL?

    I went into the Beta/program/bin folder and found the file "tribesv_mpbeta_en". It says the following: [Engine.Engine] RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=Engine.NullRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice Now, this means the beta is running Direct3d right? I...