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  1. Z

    [Bug]Pack staying on deadbody...

    I was leting my little cousin play the game yesterday and when he killed someone he started kicking the body i noticed that the body still had a speed pack attached to it. when my cousin turned around and looked at the droped stuff there was no pack with the stuff. Sorry i don't have a SS I...
  2. Z

    A cool T:V-related short-story I found... Check it out. Its only about a page long but itsd a cool story. There is also some more fan-fics on that site too from all the StarSiege Universe games.
  3. Z

    Capture & Hold/Conquest-ish gametype and capturable bases

    Is there going to be any CnH style gametype in Tribes vengeance? This Kevin Rice guy says that Arena is it but he seems to be kinda inacurate on alot of things about T:V in his articles. "While CTF will probably be the most popular game type in Tribes: Vengeance, the game will also be shipping...
  4. Z

    Buddy/friends list in T:V

    I think it would be nice if T:V had a good friend/buddy list sort of like Xbox Live and WC3's lists. You can have two types of friends on the list. One would just be a player you've added who hasn't added you. You can't do/find out as much (i.e. find out email address, other info, invite to game...