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  1. Z

    [stupid people] bad physics papers

    So a guy I know was walking through the physics dept the other day when he found a huge stack of graded papers. For some reason, he decided to re-grade them. Here's what he came up with: There are about 18 of 'em, plus his version of the story at...
  2. Z

    Why Kirsten Dunst shouldn't do interviews high

    Spider Spinning (on possible spider-man sequels) Yeah, that's the way to end a comic book franchise: hero dies, teenage girlfriend is left alone and pregnant. Also, I find it refreshing she hasn't read a script. Or any source material. Or had an errand boy run and pick up a comic from the...
  3. Z

    Your tax dollars at work

    Probably OFN by now, but.... Videogames under the gun, on