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  1. C

    Kidd Craddick Holiday Photoshop Contest

    I heard about it on the radio on Kidd Craddick in the Morning this morning and thought of you guys. You can win $200.00 to spend at Target, apparently. :shrug: (Sorry if this has already been posted. Search is being funky.)
  2. C

    Fired employee, don't know his Outlook 2003 PW.

    We had to let one of our employees go today for helping himself to the money in our cash drawer. Anyway, he had passwords on all his stuff and now we can't get into email even just to change to another user. Here's the prompt, if that helps. I know this is kindergarten tech stuff, and I...
  3. C

    Anyone use Netscape?

    I use Firefox now, but we had to download Netscape for a class. Anyone use it? Hate/Like it?
  4. C

    Anyone have "biker" wives/girlfriends?

    Well, Spring is around the corner...and that means motorcycle fever is back! This year is finally going to be 'the' year. Does anyone have any recommendations? Maybe something your wife/girlfriend rides now and seems to like? I know someone just responded to a motorcycle question not too...
  5. C

    Essays: 7 down, 13 to go. Getting Desperate.

    All right, so... Before everyone tells me how dumb I am for procrastinating, I'll just acknowledge that up front. Yes, I know it's stupid to wait until the last minute - yes I'm regretting it. :banging: That said... I have 20 essays due on Tuesday evening, but basically only have today to do...
  6. C

    Quitting Smoking...again...any advice?

    So I'm quitting smoking in the morning. Again. This will be try #3 in the last year. The first time I made it about 6 days. The second time I made it about 3 months. I really want to succeed this time. I bought the patches this evening and will apply the first one in the morning. They...