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    the smell of your poop

    do you like it?
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    i read this artical at seems people are getting free ipods from some site that looked like a scam. has anyone tried it? i'm giving it a go. if you try it pm me so i can give you a link to refer you and get credit for having gotten someone to join. anyways, looks intresting...
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    [Official] Best Tribes Movies of All time post

    what are your favorite tribes movies. link if you can. 1. jaffa - omega 2. kayvz 3. pure 2 4. all the iCups movies 5. fartypants grocerystore bobthe40
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    [URGENT] i NEed Help

    Hey, i was playing tribes beta at friends house and it looked like fun so i asked my dad to buy me a computer so i could play it too. I got a alienware computer thats supposed to be really fast and stuff, but i whenever i play tribes beta i can't fly. i asked for help in the game and people...
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    awesome T2 Movie

    T2 Movie My friend just made this tribes 2 movie that rocks. check it out at at the end he gets this mortar shot that looks like a 400 meter air shot. you've got to watch this one. :0 Bobthe40
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    where can i find lakrabbit mod

    hey i want to host a lakrabbit game tonight at a lan party but i can't find the mod anywhere. can some one give me a link or something. thanks bobthe40
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    Bobthe40 and Dr.z's Tribes 2 Movies

    hey Me and Dr.z had some time on our hands, so we made some Tribes 2 movies of ourselves playing. This isn't our best stuff, its just our most recent. we'd love to get some feed back on these. links to our movies are below. bobthe40's is at...