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  1. C

    Help: Looking for an old PC demo file...

    A few years back, there was a short 3d PC demo file, like you saw in the good old days of the Amiga Demo Scene. It was of a 3D castle, some creatures, and a techno-like soundtrack. At the end was a self-promotion blurb about the creator's company. Well, if anyone could help me locate it, my...
  2. C

    Does a plane on a ....

    Just wanted to share...I haven't slept yet for 2 days & a lack of sleep makes me think this is damn funny... Crash
  3. C

    [HALP] Spending on engagement ring?

    OK...quick question time! What's a good rule-of-thumb on how much to spend on an engagement ring? I've heard "whatever you're comfortable with" to 6 months salary... I love her, but wow...she'd rather have a new car that a 50K rock on her finger.... Any suggestions appreciated... Thanks for...
  4. C

    HELP: GF needs to do push-ups....

    OK... so the girlfriend is joining the Navy reserve & has to to situps, pushups & be able to run... She has no problem with the running or the situps, but she can't do a pushup to save her soul. So I come here, seeking advice, wisdom, sarcastic comments etc. on how to help her out. Any...