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    Old Fucking News
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    While we are on the subject of conspiracy theories [vid inside]

    I posted this in skillz' brilliant thread.. but I think it deserves its own post. This is basically some brilliant shit that you absolutely HAVE to see, especially if you are already suspicious of the evil actions of the United States of America...
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    I'll take "Falling asleep at the wheel" for $1600, Alex..

    -This host of Jeopardy! fell asleep at the wheel of a pickup truck on a rural road and crashed into a utility pole. -Who is Alex Trebek? -Yes, go again..
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    Remember that "exploding whale"? Here's the PIC

    Pic with caption:
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    Iraq's Oil-bribe scandal deepens (list of names of those who got contracts) The following are the names of some of those who, according to the document, received Iraqi oil contracts (amounts are in millions of barrels of oil): Russia The Companies of the Russian Communist Party: 137...
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    Arrr me mateys! Piracy on the high seas is on the rise!
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    Giant whale EXPLODES in the streets of Taiwan Sorry.. no pics yet.
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    Stacy Keibler to be in Playboy... [PICS]

    Lord knows why I was watching wrestling tonight.. I watch it on and off.. mostly off for the last couple of years.. but RAW just announced that Stacy and some other chick.. Miss Jackie or something will be in Playboy together in the near future. Finally.. a hot WWE chick in the magazine...
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    DJI hits 31 month high... 1,000 pts away from all-time high :bigthumb:
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    UK Gov't Adviser: Killing infants is OK While I agree that there is no difference between killing an unborn child at 40 weeks and an infant who is born... how the FUCK does that make either acceptable?
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    GG.. Kerry will win the nomination.. Now with a 10 pt lead in NH. Bush vs Kerry... Bush in 2
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    Pats QB Tom Brady will be guest of Laura Bush at the State of the Union Address Interesting. I'm sure this will get press in the 39034242 hour pre game show of SBXXXVIII
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    So Dean is going to end up 3rd in Iowa...

    ... so much for his "maverick" campaign. Shucks. And I was hoping he won the nomination. GJ losing a 20 point lead to Kerry and ending up 15 pts behind Edwards.,0,7691223,print.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines Looks like the...
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    Teenage girl killed by Merry Go Round
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    IBM to add 4,500 jobs... in the US! :bigthumb: The senior VP said that they'll be hiring more in the US than they'll be shifting overseas.. a net gain for the tech sector in jobs here in America. Sounds good for all you TWers that have been complaining...
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    Bush finally makes a move that his base will like.. Nice move bypassing the total bullshit that was going on in the Senate concerning Pickering. This is two recesses too late... but after Bush made a bad move with the immigration policy, I'm sure some in his base will forgive him after...
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    More good economic news! (Consumer confidence skyrockets) Like I said a few weeks ago, hang in there jobless TW members. Things are definitely on the upswing.
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    Approaching 4 million posts..

    Over 3,900,000 now just for GD That's quite a lot of posts.
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    Ban El Mar...

    I'm sorry, but if Wren is going to get a 24 hour ban for merely posting a Matrix spolier without tags, El Mar should get AT LEAST that for posting either a real or fake video of rape of Jessica Lynch. That's not just poor taste, that's sick. Even for Tribalwar.
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    Good news on the job market front So solid news for all TWers that are currently out of work. Sounds like the job market is on the mend. Now is the perfect time to find opportunities, and don't get discouraged if you can't grab one right now. There ARE other...