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    [Torque3D] Linux Port Needs Funding

    If you're interested, you can find the IndieGoGo page here. If not, you can carry one with the usual "shit poster, shit thread" comments below.
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    T:V is slightly stupid?

    T:V is slightly camp? Why couldnt we pilot Julia's Pink Pod in SP? :( Sorry if this is ofn.
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    [T:V Release] New Repair Beams

    [T:V Release] New Repair Beams *Updated* UPDATE: Added three new effects; two Multi Colour and one re-done default green. Modified the default beams to be more noticable, by adding more particles. Renamed all effects so they are grouped together and can be...
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    [request] SwitchToLastWeapon

    Could you re-enable that function, pls? :cat:
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    [feedback] Join IP & Add IP

    I know the Join screen is probably not going to be the same as on release, but could we get a "Join IP" button and an "Add IP" button? Not every server will be visible to the pubilc, and in some cases it would be quicker to add a server to the list via IP instead of having to ping every server...
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    [Bug] Pressing Esc on first join causes inability to spawn

    Old bug? Sue me ;) Pressing Esc when you first join a server (when you see the spawnpoint CC) will cause the CC not to be visible. You then have to either join the opposite team, or the observers then a team, to be able to spawn, but you do lose the ability to choose your spawn point in most cases.
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    [Bug] Invisible water behind BE base on Isle

    Old bug? Couldnt find in search. Behind the BE main base there is a patch of invisible water. Walking through the water you can hear and see the effect, but it is invisible on everything other than Low/Off for Fluid Surface Details. Ultra-high detail Low/off detail Not a major bug, as it...
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    [T2 Releases] UnrealSounds n stuff

    A couple of sound scripts for you to have a play with: HalUTTimeWarner - Plays the UT 5, 3 and 1 Min warnings. UTDominatingSounds - Plays the UT Killingspree, Godlike, etc sounds when you get a certain amount of kills. UTHeadshotSounds - Plays the UT Headshot sound on Headshot kills (Duh!)...
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    [T2 Releases] Quake3Sounds n stuff

    OK, a couple of peeps on another forum wanted me to make these, so i did. Quake3CTFSounds. Uses the "You are in the lead", "You have lost the lead" and "Teams are tied" sounds. Quake3FlagSounds. Uses the flag pickup/capped/returned sounds. Made the drop sounds myself, so they could use some...
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    [T2 Release] ThirdRet

    ThirdRet It has been through extensive testing, i cannot nor can my beta testing minions find any bugs/faults with the script other than the limitations of T2 itself. If you find a bug, please let me know so i can fix it asap. Edit: Incorporated Mad Monks Thirdperson Zoom code to fix the...
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    [T2 Release] loadoutbinds

    loadoutbinds Extract into your Base folder. Run the supplied "Create loadoutbinds.bat" if you want to create seperate keymap files for each loadout. You will have to create your own keymap files if you use something other than MyConfig for your binds. The script automaticly detects if you have...
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    [T2 Release] vehiclebinds

    vehiclebinds Extract into your Base folder. Run the supplied "Create vehiclebinds.bat" if you want to create seperate keymap files for each vehicle. You will have to create your own keymap files if you use something other than MyConfig for your binds. The script automaticly detects if you have...
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    [T2 Release] DoubleFavWeapon

    DoubleFavWeapon Based on Crunchy's DoubleWeapon (of which I have permission to use), it will allow you to create different DoubleWeapon configs per loadout. Select your loadout, press the DoubleFavWeapon Config key and change the slots for that loadout. Select another loadout and do the same...
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    [T2 Release] Silence

    Silence Gets rid of the community hum, map loading hum, inventory hum+activation/deactivation, CC hum+activation/deactivation and those really annoying enemy pad/disabled pad error sounds. A merge of two seperate scripts, Silence by Schlacht that mutes the Browser hum and QuietCmdMap by...
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    [T2 Release] multiFoV

    multiFoV My current working build. It allows you to set a different FoV for each weapon/vehicle/turret in the game and has a few other zoom/fov options. I still have a lot of work to do on it so I will release another update when i finish a few more features. Read the readme for...
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    [T2] Vehicle Purchase HUD Closure Bug

    I dont know if any of you have noticed, but the Vehicle Pad HUD no longer auto-closes on a purchase with Base and Classic. vehQuickBuyFix.vl2 forcibly closes the VehicleHUD on a purchase, be it using the number keys or the Buy button. This script is NOT compatible with DioVFavs, DerkVPadControl...