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  1. I

    petition to make dionysus' title stupid hippy

    Smelly hippy, Dirty Hippy, or retarded liberal.. any of them will do just nicely.
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    Axis of Justice forums

    anybody ever post there? ugh, i can't bear to look at it, just imagine orbital x20. just take a look at this discusting.
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    something cool while shitting..

    heh, while taking a shit, ever drop a huge turd and then have its remains come after it? well when i was about to wipe, a little follower guy came out of my ass before i got up. i thought to myself "haha if i wiped with that in my ass it would of smeared all over the place". heh
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    i think i just ate something bad

    a box of cookie bars were open (you know, the snickers chocolate w/ cookie underneath) and i got one. i didnt notice that the packaging was ripped open but i did notice that the cookie bar was kind of falling apart and the crumbs were loose in the package. i ate some of it before noticing. is...
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    free dionysus

    he smokes weed
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    Fuji Finepix 3800 question

    I recently got one of these for Christmas and i'm having trouble with the xD memory card that I bought with it. I have the 128mb version and it worked fine when I put it in, and started to use the camera. Then when I turned it off, and then back on again it says "Card not Initialized" I tried...