Search results

  1. S

    T:V - Match Logging ability?

    Does anyone know if there is a way to save a log of the events from a match? Such as a log file to extrapolate flag grabs, time held, caps, disc kills per person, etc. All that good stuff we used to get from our T2 matches via scripts. Anyone?
  2. S

    [Feedback] Move Repair Pack Station on Winterlake (Imperial Side)

    During a pub game some llama took the Phoenix flag into our base (Imperial) and camped. We held off waves upon waves of attacks through the front door. They successfully took down the gens and stations and caused chaos galore. The problem is, when the generator is up and the enemy is...
  3. S

    Music creation software?

    What is the best tool out there to create your own loops, not taking samples? Something on the lines of PTAB, Acid Pro, Cakewalk, or CoolEdit Pro that you can create music on with an all inclusive tool. Like you write in beats/rythms for drums and guitar and mix them together. Not so much...
  4. S

    Well search is disabled, but WTF help

    I can't search cause it's disabled, but does anyone else have huge ass fonts? I can set them in text size but that's for all pages. WTF, my eyes aren't that bad.
  5. S

    Recording Audio (Line In or from MIC)

    Is there any software app that allows you to record mic input or line in input directly into MP3 format? or some other format that has compression? I don't want to do WAV cause the files are too huge. I'm wanting to record live band practice sessions so that I can put them on Web or CD without...
  6. S

    65 inch widescreen T2 UE

    Lol, classic T2 heh