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    New Sportscenter Commercial

    This is SportsCenter - Photo Album - Bucky - YouTube My best friend worked on this commercial and it finally aired this morning. Gotta love it. Tomorrow's game is going to be absolutely absurd.
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    [Holy Grail] Blake Lively Nudes Leaked She obviously looks good but I will say I'm a little disappointed that her tits are fake. 2011 is a good year to be an American- first Osama, then this.
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    Trives Ascengrances

    Official name of the new Tribes title?
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    [Help] Can someone please help me create a "Deal With It" GIF?

    Hey Guys, I want to create a "Deal With It" GIF for Wisconsin's basketball coach, Bo Ryan. In an interview earlier this week when the interviewer was asking him about Sullinger possibly getting spit on, he effectively said "we won, they lost. deal with it." If you don't know what I'm refering...
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    [Playboy] Is there a way to order pictures from a shoot that weren't used in the mag?

    I recently discovered my hot old secretary posed for Playboy many years ago when she was in school (18 years old). It took a while but I tracked down the picture. NWS: NWS The pic is alright but I'm sure there were 'better' pics taken...
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    [Help] Torrent upload issues

    Hey guys, For the last few months, I haven't been able to seed torrents for an extended period of time without it killing my internet connection (fixed by unplugging and reconnecting my external wireless card) or locking up my computer. I am using the most updated version of Bit Torrent. It...
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    [Advice] What should I do about a peeping Tom?

    So there's been this guy creeping outside the window above my bed several times in the past. He lives in the building next to mine and can't see into my room without hanging out of his window. I never really caught him in the act but girls have seen him a few times hanging outside his window...
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    [Music] What is this sample from?!

    YouTube - 'I Can See It In Your Face' - Pretty Lights [HD] At exactly 1:10 through 1:17, there is a great bass riff. What is this a sample from?! Winner gets pic of ex's bewbs.
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    [PREDICTIONS] How does NBA 2010 free agency bonanza play out?

    Post your predictions here: This is what I think will happen: * Lebron re-signs with Cavs. * Wade re-signs with Heat. * Bosh signs with Heat. * Amare signs with Knicks. * Johnson signs with Knicks. * Boozer signs with Nets. * Nowitzki re-signs with Mavs. * Gay re-signs with Grizzlies. What...
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    Worst hand-ball of the World Cup:

    I can't believe the refs missed this one:
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    [Kekekeke] Trying to ship something to Korea. What's my best bet?

    Quick backstory: My best friend has been living/working in Seoul for a few months. The other night he was attacked by a group of guys and beaten up pretty badly (broken nose, fractured face, etc) outside of a bar. He's feeling pretty bummed/down right now. During the fight, he lost his digital...
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    Impossible is Nothing

    Pretty funny story from today. One of my friends from college sent me a facebook message yesterday: "Hey man, Long time no speak. Do you know a guy named Alex Vayner? Graduated from Dwight in '02 I think. If so, what's his deal? Anyway, how's everything with you? What are you doing these...
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    [HELP] Windows 7 keeps crashing and is unstable.

    Nergins, I need help. I have been extraordinarily disappointed/frustrated since purchasing Windows 7 Professional a couple weeks ago. I formatted my hard drive and did a clean install using the Windows 7 DVD. My computer was stable and rarely crashed when using Vista. Since installing Windows...
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    [Sequel] District 10 announced!

    District 10: The Return. Check out the teaser trailer: YouTube - Independence Day Trailer
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    [HELP] Vid card dide?

    Hey guys, I have been having computer problems the last few days. It first started when I was watching videos on my computer and then all of a sudden, the screens would go black and then something would 'reset' and it would show me this error: It...
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    [NWS] Who is this porn star?!?

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    [Please help] Need to buy a laptop for my mom tonight.

    Hey guys, I've never bought a laptop before (always use desktops) and don't know much about which companies make the best machines. My mom's laptop is complete crap. She bought it a couple years ago and it's always given her problems. It's been plagued by a broken heat-synch or mobo that causes...
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    Can't find internet comic from a couple months ago...

    I saw a comic/picture on either TW or digg that I can't fucking find and it's pissing me off. It was where this frustrated/traumatized guy is sitting on the bed after sex and his gf is behind him. She is like "I thought you said you wanted me to do that" or "I thought you would like that". And...
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    [Middle East] Please take the time to listen to this webcast. It's a little dated and her opinions are obviously exacerbated by her own personal experiences but she has a compelling story and successfully articulates some of the paramount dangers facing our world .
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    Eddie Murphy = Riddler, Shia Labafoon = Robin in the next Batman film

    I hate these choices. I love Eddie Murphy but not to play the riddler. Then again it doesn't matter--they will make a gazillion dollars even if it's the video of Fraggle fucking some whore but it's titled "Batman 3". Eddie Murphy is set to play The Riddler in the new Batman film | The Sun...