Search results

  1. I

    Nintendo DS homebrew / flash cartridges

    I'm buying a DSi for my other half and wanted to know what is the best current flash card based thingy these days? When I got mine a few years ago I got an R4DS cart which was pretty good, but as far as I am aware its not as well supported any more and doesn't work automatically with some of...
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    old Sci-fi FPS help

    I'm trying to remember an old game I remember from years back, but I cannot for the life of me find it. It was a terrible game but its just bugging me. It was a first person shooter set in the future, I think you might have been a cop, and you had access to a variety of future tech weapons. It...
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    Xbox 360 with PC monitor

    Is it possible to hook the xbox 360 up to a PC monitor? I am guessing i would need to buy a VGA cable of some description. I have a pretty good large flatscreen BENQ so I am assuming it'll be better quality than my current shitty TV. If so, is it possible to use the HD features of the xbox on...
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    [xbox 360] Games?

    So I made a speculative bid on a new xbox360 on ebay and I won with a hilariously low price. The only game I'm definately going to get is GTA IV, and I don't want Call of Duty 4, but what other games are 'must have'?
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    [BOXING] Calzaghe vs Hopkins

    So, tomorrow (the 20th) Joe Calzaghe will face Bernard Hopkins at light heavyweight in Vegas. Who do you think is going to win? Hopkins is old, past it and looks it, Calzaghe's obsessive preperation has meant that he's managed to put on the weight but still look lightning quick in training. If...
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    [Iraq] The True Cost

    In 2005 nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz began calculating the true world wide cost of the Iraq war. He has just finished his report in his new book, which Stiglitz himself admits is conservative in its findings because he didn't want to appear 'outlandish'. Even then the figures...
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    Here you will post images and videos that you find funny (from the last few years.)

    I'll get the ball rolling: GI Joe spoof videos: Nose Bleed - Porkchop Sandwiches - etc Bitches love smileys: ImageShack - Hosting :: 829ms5.jpg I am bored.
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    Anyone remember that unfair ASCII platformer video?

    see thread title. I want to see it again. Basically it was a game play video of this guy playing some impossible to win plat form video game that kills the player at almost every opportunity.
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    Nintendo DS games

    I bought a DS Lite from eBay today because it was a decent price and I was looking for a new toy to play with while my housemates are watching Big Brother. I would like some good games with some prospect of long term play, but I've never looked into DS games before. What are your suggestions of...
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    MC Building Peaks' dick

    I couldn't sign off without checking my dick, the length of an arm and the weight of a brick, If yours is a prick, mine is a stab, Too heavy to carry, so call me a cab! In fact better make that a fully stretch limo, Else that it don't fit and hangs out the window, On to the next show to give em...
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    MC Building Peaks' dick

    I couldn't sign off without checking my dick, the length of an arm and the weight of a brick, If yours is a prick, mine is a stab, Too heavy to carry, so call me a cab! In fact better make that a fully stretch limo, Else that it don't fit and hangs out the window, On to the next show to give em...
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    Civ 4 question

    How the hell do you rush buy things now? (ie using gold to finish a unit/production in one turn.)
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    Coldplay X & Y

    Its out in "stores" and its very, very good. I suggest you buy it. Be wary of the poor streamed re-encoded copy thats in "stores" and hunt down the VBR one. Well done Coldplay, you released 3 albums in a row that are very good and this one will probably top the other two in sales.
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    I don't wanna go on a RANT here...

    but America's foreign policy makes about as much sense as Beowolf having sex with Robert Fulton at the first Battle of Antetum. I mean when a neo-conservative defenstrates it's like Raskalnakov filibuster dioxymonohydrostinate.
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    [Music]Don Alder

    Anyone heard his stuff? Amazing accoustic guitar playing, slap accoustic etc. I'm debating whether to buy his CD and I was wondering if anyone that has it can give me a full opinion. For those that haven't heard of him, here's a short sample:
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    [nws] Goaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!
  17. I

    German Pimp vid

    Funny short vid of an interview with Peter Hentschel, a well known pimp in Hamburg. or Its in German, but here's a rough translation of what goes on: (13:14:40) (@scar) hes giving an interview...
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    Greece win Euro 2004

    1-0 vs the hosts Portugal.
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    System Shock 2

    Just finished it for the first time (lost my saved game when I first bought it, couldn't be bothered to restart the game.) Fantastic game, especially with the new graphical mods/updated textures and models. However, what the fuck was up with that ending movie... it felt like a spoof, and ruined...
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    dear kura

    link me to some good morrowind mods please. Please note I dont have any of the add ons. Thanks.