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    So few

    What happened?
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    White House is about to launch a new gun control offensive

    So it comes out that the ATF has been funneling weapons to Mexican drug cartels to blame lack of gun control in the US on deaths from these weapons. Now Obama is working on going around congress to implement further gun control. If you think it won't work, Obama said that what is going on in...
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    Sweet! Canada is getting new money

    And it's plastic! Canada’s new plastic banknotes will be nearly impossible to fake - The Globe and Mail 7chpllnU-To
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    Look at what I purchased today

    New items for my bug out bag. Water bladder, 3 liters. There is an optional water filter you can purchase as well, which I will be getting in the future. 100 liter capacity for the filter, which would last several weeks, if needed. 511 tactical 72 hour bag. integrated hydration pouch. Cheaper...
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    The McRib is back

    FYI, and it's currently sitting in my stomach.
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    Russia is preparing underground factories

    Really interesting interview with Joel Skousen. Essentially, Russia and China are both preparing for a nuclear war with Russia. China's #2 general has bragged about nuking LA. And Russia has built, and continues to build bunkers. Even if you doubt it, you should listen to the interview, and...
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    Report: Ground Invasion of Libya Within Two Weeks

    We know that US involvement is coming in September-November but apparently Europe will be moving in within the next two weeks. » Report: Ground Invasion of Libya Within Two Weeks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
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    Google reader is watching...

    It keeps deleting The Vigilant Citizen from my list. I add it, click off of it, and it's removed... I guess they don't like people reading the truth.
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    John F. Kennedy

    The last non globalist president. His statements of truth are no longer seen in the political arena, outside of individuals like Ron Paul. "There is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced...
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    Even Greenspan Knows We’re Screwed

    Even Greenspan Knows We’re Screwed I hope you have your food and water stores, because you will need them with the SHTF. I for one am going to enjoy the show, and will hope that Canada will not suffer as much as Europe and the US through all of the coming collapse. Even Greenspan Knows We?re...
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    The Hidden Meaning of the Song

    Prepare to blow your mind away. The Hidden Meaning of Lady Gaga's "Telephone" | The Vigilant Citizen
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    Bob Dylan is a satanist

    He admits that he made a deal with the devil, and he keeps going because he's holding up his part of the deal. You wonder who really runs Hollywood? Take a guess. IqvvOD4bdRs
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    A rap song I actually like

    F-kMs4dMqKA Where you gonna run? Where you gonna hide? When the truth comes down upon you, you have to decide Where you gonna run? Were you gonna hide? Information When the truth comes down upon you, you have to decide [Killah Priest] The Information we have become with laser scanners, At...
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    I'm upgrading

    Going from 15Mbps to 25Mbps. Anyone else on slow ass internet?
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    The Destabilization of Syria and the Broader Middle East War

    In case any of you were unaware with regards to the events in the Middle East. This is all planned, and you will see it all happen before your very eyes. The Destabilization of Syria and the Broader Middle East War
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    Anyone here play Go?

    I've read through the manga Hikaru No Go, and now I'm interested in playing Go. Can anyone recommend a good Go computer program, one with AI, and puzzles?
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    Great news!

    I'm never flying to the US ever again. That is all.
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    Rick Perry is going to run for president

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    Impressive, but not worth $140

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    Yes, the Next Crisis is Coming

    Do you believe that anything has been done to prevent the problems of 2008 from happening again? I haven't seen any concrete measures to resolve the problems, only money being thrown around like it's worthless. Yes, the Next Crisis is Coming? And It WILL Be Worse Than 2008 | zero hedge