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  1. C

    Nash doesn't have a sense of humor

    It is known.
  2. C

    Oh negro, negro, negro, I made it out of clay

    Oh nigger, nigger, nigger, then nigger I shall play
  3. C

    Wipeout is coming to DC

    For those in the DC area, Wipeout is coming to RFK Stadium June 20, 2015. If you sign up today, Thursday, or Friday (2/27), then its only $54. It increases in price every few weeks. I signed, may wear a gopro if its allowed. WIPEOUTRUN | DC yeah niggas
  4. C

    ALLAHU AKBAR الله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرا&a

    ALLAHU AKBAR الله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرا&a
  5. C

    let me tell you about miles teg

    this nigga here can see no-ships :isee:
  6. C

    this place isnt as fun as it used to be

    no tribes no ps threads no forum raids nash bannings no kura/orb :(
  7. C

    [NFL] Eagles apologize for their choice for Black History Month

    Not a black player, not just a white player, but :rofl: To be fair, quite a few self-described black people in the thread are saying this is stupid to argue over. Still, they apologized.
  8. C

    Chrome, IE, and GIFS

    for all the shit that people give IE, it handles gifs like a champ. PC masterrace chrome, however, does not. Why is this?
  9. C

    If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to want a glass of milk

    and if you name a nigga tim wheat, he's going to go post in the classifieds to see who doesn't know any better. c'mon man.
  10. C

    Too much love will kill you

    and you will not understand why