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    So what happens to conjoined twins when one of them dies?

    Does the other one just have to walk around with a half dead body/brother or sister attached to them?
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    [Official] Cool things from the internet

    Random cool things that don't quite deserve their own thread should go here. Inspired by euph. AvDk3UNGf1Q
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    [Rockstar] Should I play through Bully?

    I've recently decided to actually stop buying video games and play through the 30 or so games I have on Steam that I've never even installed (mostly smaller, indie games). I've made good progress but I've got a few longer games I'm on the fence about bothering with. Was Bully a good game, is it...
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    What's the best, least bloated codec pack these days

    question mark
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    Do you wear shirts that say humorous things on them?

    Sometimes I see t-shirts or whatever online that are funny but then I think about the people who wear them and they're always douchebag attention whores so I don't buy them. I hope you've enjoyed my opinion about humorous t-shirts.
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    The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD

    I always said this would be enough for me to buy a WiiU (supposedly this fall). Now that it's coming I still don't really want the thing.
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    So "The Last Stand", Arnold's first movie in nine years...

    opened this weekend to 10th place... it made 6.3 million dollars in wide release. Guess no one gives a shit about Arnold anymore.
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    Guess the Super Bowl coin toss, win a pizza

    Papa John's Super Bowl Coin Toss Vote heads or tails at Papa Johns and if you win you get a free 1-topping large pizza. I'm not a big Papa Johns fan but, you know, free pizza.
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    I Beat Mike Tyson

    I BEAT MIKE TYSON - (FULL FILM) on Vimeo Poor guy. I'm not a big boxing nut or anything, but it's true you never hear about who actually beat Mike Tyson, just that he lost. It's like Rocky but if no one gave a shit he beat Apollo.
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    Just got a slow-cooker

    What should I make? I've only done one thing so far and it was delicious, pulled pork. Can't beat something that requires about 45 seconds of actual work, just do it before you go to bed and tasty pulled pork sandwiches for the next couple of days.
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    Black & White was a sweet game

    I'd say the '97-'03 years were my golden age of PC gaming, I still go back and play those games pretty regularly. If you recall B&W was released three days before Tribes 2, and that ugly bitch posted a picture of both games taped to her tits (I'm sure someone has it archived somewhere...)...
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    No desire to go into work today

    Just one of those days where you wake up in a shitty mood and you don't feel like moving off the couch. I could call out but I need the money I guess, plus karma always fucks me over whenever I try and take a sick day.
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    [Reggs Question] What do you use for shampoo/conditioner

    Preferably something nicer, and no 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner combos or anything. Also preferable to hear from people with thicker and/or longer hair... :sex:
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    Does this ever happen to you?

    You just randomly cough or sneeze, as people do all the time, and the person nearest you (say a friend, family member - or in my case most of the time, a coworker) immediately ask "are you getting a cold?" (or something similar). This happens to me probably once a week. No. Do you only sneeze or...
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    Have you ever had a stranger pay your toll for you?

    A couple of years ago I was going through a tollbooth and when I handed the lady my dollar she said "It's okay, the girl ahead of you paid for you". She assumed that I was friends with her and we were driving together or something but that was not the case. Fast forward to today, I was driving...
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    [GOG] Duke Nukem 3D for free

    Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition for download $0.00 - They're also having a sale on all of the old Bullfrog games for $12. I really wish Steam would sell more classic games like this, I mean why wouldn't they?
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    [VGAs] Walking Dead won game of the year

    Didn't see that coming. The game was fucking awesome. I still would have given it to Mass Effect 3 but props to them giving it to an episodic, downloadable-only (for now) game. I always saw the VGAs as pandering to the Call of Duty crowd but I guess that's not really the case anymore. They also...
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    [Books Recommendations] Of a survivalist nature

    Out in the woods, living on your own. I'd say like Walden but that's more experimentation than survivalist. I recently read Two Winters in a Tipi though that was more random anecdotal. I suppose something like Hatchet but... not for 10 year olds. Thoughts?
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    [Steam] I don't quite understand the new "Big Picture" mode

    It seems like it's just Steam but with full screen support, and controller support for some games as well. I don't really get it but they seem to be making a big deal of it.