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  1. B

    Vanster vs TW

    Why does Vanster hate TW so much? Didn't we just talk him down from suicide, or was that all an act/troll? This isn't even the first time he's attacked TW: Now he's back at it again and has some weird thing with Data this time (it seems like he's trying to frame Data as a potential...
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    Castlevania Season 4

    Where's The Magical Zoo at? Slacking on the Castlevania posts. L7iWXfZzEMc Looks like they're taking it seriously this time. :weird:
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    Team America: Death Comes (Kim Jong Un)

    The Spectator Index on Twitter: US source: North Korean leader in grave danger after surgery - CNNPolitics
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    [NGFM] Would you sign this poster?

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    Just a miserable little pile of secrets

    Have at you! :weird:
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    [EA] Anthem

    Who's going to play this dumpster fire? Is EA going to pull another SW Battlefront with it? I got into the alpha. :weird:
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    [China] Kindergarten Pole Dancing

    It was the Principal, calm down. You know who you are... She Thought Pole Dancing at Kindergarten Was a Great Idea. Others Disagreed. | The New York Times Company Parents at Chinese kindergarten horrified by pole-dancing act | Reuters Michael Standaert on Twitter 3NZgiN-3Jq8 :weird:
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    Goodbye Hawaii

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    [Live] LMGTFY I didn't know this was a thing. :shock: :brows:
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    [Cops] Sir, please exit the vehicle slowly...

    LIcI1UzoCIE :lol:
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    [Ho Playbook] #JusticeForConrad

    'It's Now Or Never,' Texted Teen Charged In Boyfriend's Suicide Depressed teenager commits suicide, normally a non-story (sadly). However, his girlfriend egged him on (to an amazing extent) just so she could use his death to get sympathy/attention from everyone. :nuts: Full conversation...
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    Government Corruption

    sNA0-GBuunc Legislators and corporate lobbyists meet in secret at Georgia resort Well, I guess the good news is there's still someone out there attempting real journalism I suppose. :flag:
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    [Cops] Pit Bulls Are Evil

    Man's 'World Destroyed' After San Diego Cop Kills Burberry The Service Dog The only reason this is likely making news is because the cops went to the wrong house, killed a service dog, and it was all on camera. They won't be able to get out of it by saying he attacked him off camera because he...
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    [Zool Thread] Dey Got A White Dude

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    The Purge

    So what's up with this? I had never even heard of it but it's supposedly a horror movie? A bunch of people started talking about a real-life "Purge" going on (social media craze all over the US). I looked it up and most of it seemed like a bunch of hoaxes like these: The Purge 2 Hoax: 112...
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    $2,000,000,000,000,000,00 0,000,000,000,000,000,000

    Man Sues Almost Everyone For $2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 :lolwut:
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    [Internet] FCC Rules Against Net Neutrality

    New York Times - In Policy Shift, FCC Will Allow a Web Fast Lane Guess this old image wasn't too far off... :wet:
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    "Goddamn, he's really tough!"

    KDgHDN_ANi4 Obviously super old vid, but just stumbled across it. Old dude is badass but damn he has bad luck (although it looks like he was in the ghetto in LA so what do you expect). :lol: @ the guy @ 6:55.
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    [Optical Illusion] Brain Waves

    Optical Illusion Lets You 'See' Your Brain Waves (PHOTO) MY EYES... :spineyes: I swear looking at that thing for just a few seconds makes me feel dizzy and the after image takes forever to go away. :psyduck:
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    [BadMoFo] Special Operations Divison Coverup

    Exclusive: U.S. directs agents to cover up program used to investigate Americans | Reuters Interesting, although this particular bit doesn't affect most of us (unless some of you are into drug trafficking :worried: lol). The fact that the process is classified because it's essentially...