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  1. G

    [Republican Senator from NY] "Fuck it, I don't care what you think."

    Votes yes on a gay marriage bill in NY and suddenly becomes a star. Gay marriage now just one vote shy of becoming law in New York despite Archbishop Dolan's objections Well said.
  2. G

    [White Trash] Iowans have figured out Obama's TRUE RELIGION

    6kGasHGXSy4 0:50 is where the magic happens!
  3. G

    [sad] Dog :(

  4. G

    Rand Paul supporter tries to curb stomp MoveOn girl

    KzDk3c3fjjg On one hand, I'm sure many people here wouldn't mind curb stomping MoveOn supporters. But on the other hand, this guy is literally trying to stomp on this girl's head. Wow. Go Kentucky!
  5. G

    Why Congo will never move past a third world state

    Hundreds killed, scores injured in Congo oil tanker explosion - What a bunch of fucking morons.
  6. G

    SWAT Team storms house, shoots two dogs in front of 7 year old

    ..And then charges the parents with child endangerment and misdeamonor possession of marijuana. Family questions SWAT drug search that led to dog?s death | RbwSwvUaRqc Don't watch if you love dogs. :(
  7. G

    FWD:FWD:FWD: read this and weep

    If each person sends this to a minimum of twenty people on their address list, in three days, all people in The United States of America would have the message. I believe this is one proposal that really should be passed around. THIS WILL CURDLE YOUR BLOOD AND CURL YOUR HAIR The name of the...
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    hey guys check out my car

    pretty cool huh
  9. G

    Viacom uploads own stuff to youtube, then sues youtube What a bunch of bullshit.
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    "Nexting" has its own official name in China

    Human-flesh Search Engines in China - First page (of six) of article
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    Republicans are gay

    Anti-Gay Lawmaker At Gay Club Before DUI Arrest - At least it seems that way. :closet: Gay line start.
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    [Sarah Palin] Who needs a teleprompter?

    CtcVMTZkTZQ Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2012 GOP nominee.
  13. G

    anti lyfe

    because cyanide is on his ignore list
  14. G

    [Holy Shit] One Nation Under God Mouse over the artwork and see what everything stands for! Check out the Liberal News Reporter on the bottom right and the Immigrant in bottom left. Why does the School Teacher look like Sarah Palin?
  15. G

    Tea Party Protesters Protest D.C. Metro Service

    Tea Party Protesters Protest D.C. Metro Service - Washington Wire - WSJ Holy shit, apparently irony is not in the republican's vocabulary.
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    He's thinking about it! Senate hopeful of the day: Curt Schilling - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe Maybe he could pass a bill to fund his shitty MMO projects.
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    Barney Frank shuts down idiot town haller

    nYlZiWK2Iy8 There needs to be more of this. I just wish they would have stayed on her face longer when she realized that everyone was laughing at her. :lol:
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    DSRFBxAQMeQ would hit
  19. G

    "He is an American Citizen" BOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    9V1nmn2zRMc Woman stands up and demands Mike Castle (R-DE) to investigate Obama's birth certificate. After he states that the President is an American citizen, the entire crowd boos him. Later, they all stand up and recite the pledge of allegiance. Is it any wonder that people think...
  20. G

    TribalWar: Go fuck yourself
