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  1. X

    So I'm homeless in Portland

    . (I have somewhere to stay for a few days)
  2. X

    [holy] [crap] SPOOOOOON! [the Tick]

    Searched, didn't find anything. So some of you probably already know this, but apparently, season 1 of The Tick (cartoon) is coming out on DVD on the 29th. I am so getting this.
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    Harp music?

    Okay, so posting here is kind of a longshot but... I'm looking for some harp music. Doesn't really matter what style, as long as the harp is predominantly featured and it sounds gorgeous. Suggestions?
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    Thinking of buying a [car]...

    '99 Subaru Legacy L. Anyone know anything about these? When to expect major repairs, etc?
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    funny how you don't appreciate some things until've learned to take them for granted and then have to do without. When DVDs first came out, they were supposed to have this awesome image quality. I went and saw one playing in a store and I was like "wtf? looks the same". But now that I'm used to them, VHS is blurry and low-contrast and...
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    What to do in Portland?

    I probably should have posted this a few days ago, but oh well... I'm visiting Portland, OR for about a week, mainly to check the city out before deciding whether to move there. I'll probably spend some time cruising around on public transit and looking at stuff to get a feel for different...
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    [KNIFE] Look what I found

    So I'm walking around in the forest near my place when I run across an odd plastic and metal thing half-buried in the dirt. I pick it up and it turns out to be one of these: (This is after I got home, washed all the dirt off, and left it to soak in some WD-40 overnight.) Seems to be okay for...
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    amusing AIM snippet (no emo)

    her: 'Sides, everyone knows a White Trash is just a 40 of Bacardi Silver. me: They sell 'em in 40s? her: Yup. me: Does that mean a College Student is a handle of $7.99 mystery booze? me: "We don't know what we bottled, exactly, but since the smell was pretty strong, we thought we should add...
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    Anyone playing Metal Gear Online?

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    MGS3S: retarded question

    Where the heck are the Demo and Secret Theaters? Do I have to beat the game or something first?
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    Picking up older chicks?

    So there's a ton of advice and other conventional wisdom online about how to attract chicks. Deacon Effect, "cocky and funny", etc. Thing is, most of it is aimed at college kids, the club scene, etc etc. This thread is about picking up/meeting/attracting chicks who are older than that (say...
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    Barq's w/o caffeine, WTF?

    Subject pretty much says it all but: - Didn't Barq's used to have caffeine in it? I could swear it did. - Bought a bottle the other day for the first time in months and the label said NO CAFFEINE on the back. It wasn't a diet variety or anything. - The "bite" is gone, it's just sickly sweet...
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    forming alt-rock band Akuma style, need help

    Hello dear Tribalwar posters. I have decided to form a new alt-rock band. However, since I have no musical ability of my own (not even a little!) I'm asking you all for help. My band will need the following: 1. A bass player with no imagination, talent, or style. 2. A drummer, also with no...
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    Graphics pros? How much to charge for photo retouch?

    So I've got this stripper friend who did some kind of swimwear modeling photoshoot. (Sorry, no, you don't get pics, because she's my friend, not some dumb whore I fucked at a party or something, and she says she's not comfortable with the idea of strangers on the internet whacking off to her...
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    I hear that in Oregon, because of the filthy socialists pushing up the minimum wage and driving people out of business, it's impossible to find jobs and something like 30% of the population is homeless. Also, I hear that in Oregon, if you go, you have to sew Canadian flags on all your stuff so...
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    Aural porn! [headphones]

    A couple weeks ago I ordered a Beyerdynamic DT880 from Germany, and it finally arrived today. It took a couple hours to acclimate my ears to the sound (the 880 is a tad brighter than neutral), but it's pretty freakin' sweet. :D p.s. I tried to get a hot NAU girl to pose wearing only the...
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    Torrentspy - WTFF?

    So the last few days I've been checking recent torrents on Torrentspy and it seems like there's WAY less than usual (I usually see 150-400 listings for my chosen categories and now I'm getting less than 100). Did something happen to them? Have they been vanquished by the forces of gay, or is it...
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    [ZOMG SOAP OPERA IRL] Dating a stripper?

    So I have this friend who's a stripper. (An actual friend.. I met her years before she started.) She has offered to set me up with one of her friends who is also, apparently, a stripper. She says her friend is a sweet girl, pretty, with nice legs, and a son. Obviously, this has the potential...
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    I'm now browsing TW at 320000 x 180000

    ...on my SUPAR HUEG LCD monitor that I bought on Black Friday for 99 cents. (It's still not as big as the power brick for my "slightly damaged" Xbox360, which I keep from crashing by storing the brick in a cryogenic chamber, like anyone but a MORON would do.) The chick at the counter wouldn't...