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    [lol] jedstudy

    Who was this guy again? *edit* holy crap, google is my friend my useless friend trying to talk to a girl, and failing, pics. by preeko - TribalWar Forums THREAD CLOSED
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    This woman with half a body on TLC has huge tits

    I'd titty fuck it
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    [Olympics] Trampoline is actually kind of cool

    They jump around and do awesome twists and shit. Also the chinese women (woman?) competing actually have tits and don't (doesn't?) look like they're (she's?) 12. No pics because I can't find any that actually show her curves. Which blows.
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    So I downloaded this file,

    from someone on TW. Now I can't remember the thread or who posted it. It's 1 gig, with random pictures in it. What the fuck is this shit?
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    The Motherfucking LA KINGS!!!

    Down 4 to nothing with 8 minutes to go, they score 4 goals in 5 minutes against the Stars. The Stars score one to get it into overtime. Then Kopitar scored a beautiful goal, curving to an open area through all 4 Stars defenders. Just got back from a friend's house when we watched it... no...
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    [GH3] Cliffs of Dover

    55nAwmVLQSk The 'chorus' of this song was in some other song in the early/mid 90s. I can't remember what it was though. Any help?
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    [Videos] H264 Acceleration at the Video Card

    How does this work? Isn't the H264 decoded by whatever codec the video player uses first before being sent out to the vid card? If that's the case, then the CPU is doing the majority of the work, thereby making the video card acceleration kind of pointless.
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    Discovery in HD censors its shows

    I wanted to see high def droopy ethiopian titties damn it wtf NWS NWS NWS
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    Who just walked into a KFC in South Pasadena wearing a WOFN shirt?

    mr_bear says he was the whitest of white and not black at all, I swear. Also he looked like a homosexual. And he was carrying a purse.
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    Honor Contest Server

    Any of you gonna join on the honor contest server? I know I won't win, but I'm in it for some good lvl 19 WSG BG action... I made a warlock named Somec on there.
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    So I'm thinking of respeccing to a dark pact build just to switch things up a little (haven't been dark pact for almost a year now)... Anyway, I've noticed a few posts made on the warlock forums, and a few complaints made by warlocks in guild that nightfall isn't proccing correctly. It only has...
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    Blizzard Launcher wtf?

    that doesn't sound good to me *edit* ooo, just read the notes, I can at least bypass it.
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    the servers are going to shit tonight

    hasn't been this bad since the first month or so of retail :(
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    Need help naming a TV show (80s/90s)

    There was this TV show with a white guy who does karate who has a sidekick. His sidekick would help him solve crime and stuff. I don't remember the name of the sidekick, but I do remember he was asian, and a little kid. Maybe it was called Assistants?
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    [mp3] Looking for a song played at sports (hockey) games

    I can't describe it... but I can do a.. er... rendition of it. Here thx to whoever knows :D
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    cosmos ui

    methinks their domain has also been affected by massive numbers... anyone have a mirror for the ui?
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    [half-ass review] Casshern

    I wonder when the DVD will be in the stars
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    My Trip to Albertsons [pics]

    I went to Albertsons today, which was all fine and dandy. Got some stuff, had some fun. Anyway, on my way back, right on Genesee and La Jolla Village Drive, there's this bus stop and this fat black woman was waiting for her bus. She took up the ENTIRE SIDEWALK: I was all like "Hello lady...
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    Clips from the Olympics

    Anyone know where I can download some? I'm especially looking for those Taekwondo matches.... or maybe even handball ;)
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    [Olympics] Handball

    is now one of my favorite olympic sports.... It's a combination of soccer, hockey, and basketball. The action's rough, fast, and there's a shitload of teamwork involved. I'm watching it on MSNBC right now (west coast) Handball videos (mov format):,