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  1. M

    Loser Mac fanatics...

    There were like thirty people camped out at the mac store by my house waiting for the new iphone, not drinking with all the beautiful girls that hang out at the seven bars and restaurants nearby...they were sitting in their chairs on the sidewalk...fucking losers, I'm sure lots of you can...
  2. M

    (Official) Impending NHL Lockout...

    NEW YORK (AP) -- With only two days left to avoid another damaging NHL lockout, players and owners huddled in separate circles to discuss what now seems inevitable. One day after the NHL and the players' association swapped proposals each hoped would result in a new collective bargaining...
  3. M

    and so the end begins

    also foam. NOTICE
  4. M

    u suck!

    Y'all r bullshit nerds. i'm a chick w d's and a nice 120 lb bod.
  5. M

    The gift of PronZ -NWS-

    TBLOP - The Big List of Porn 2.0 you are welcome. also foam.
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    Why Hello There Tribalwar, I don't post much anymore, foam and all... Is it OK to ask you father to make introductions for you, in person, to various celebrity sports figures for the purpose of making your art the best it could possibly be? Is the fact that a person has paid dues, and worked...
  7. M

    in the city till monday

    Upper east side. Anyone around?
  8. M

    Sweet sweet holiday booze.

    FLAMING PUMPKIN PIE 1/2 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur 1/2 oz Bailey's® Irish cream 1/4 oz Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps Layer in order, light on fire, sprinkle cinnamon, blow out and serve. HOT SPICED CRANBERRY PUNCH * 4 cups pineapple juice * 4 cups water * 2 cans...
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    Predictions on bottom out for light sweet crude futures.

    I'm patiently awaiting the bottom of the NYMI price for light sweet crude by the barrel. it dropped under 60 today, anyone care to make a prediction on how low it will go?
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    {politics} Wealth redistribution is the new buzz word

    and Obama is the new president of the united states.. Say it with me. President OBAMA. also foam
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    [NHL] sopcast for the pens jokerit game

    sop:// Go pens!
  12. M

    Apple TV, hacks, ipod touch controll and pure awsomeness

    so I'm setting up an apple TV for my father, I plan on hacking it and patch sticking it etc. etc. I've done the research and was simply wondering if anyone on glorious Tdub had done this and could offer any insight as to how to make this nifty little gadget even more elite. Right now I have...
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    Lots and lots of streaming TV.

    T V O K A Y dot COm... For all your streaming old shows in mediocre quality needs. i bringeth the gold.
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    august rush

    a nice copy is available at "the store" i finally watched it and am blown away. if you love music you need to see this film.
  15. M

    AZ peoplez

    who is in Phoenix?
  16. M

    hey brah

    TribalWar Forums Statistics Threads: 299,292, Posts: 7,875,255, Members: 16,921, Active Members: 4,006 Welcome to our newest member, SarcaStick
  17. M

    so I'm randomly stuck in houston.

    FOAM now that's out of the way... anyone want to meet me for a beer? im at some ramada out by the airport.
  18. M

    Merry Winter Solstice and the story of MitsuLAN.

    Allright, triple banned me breifly for owing a couple people in this community money for tickets they bought to a party that unfortunately never happened. I know a lot of you had your doubts about MitsuLAN and as history has proven your doubts were very founded. I tried very hard, I spent more...
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    NWS-some holiday cheer-NWS

    bahahaaaaa NWS-
  20. M

    I would like to spons0r a meber

    sic... I know the name is CHEASY but he is bud of mine and has been lurking for 2 weeks and is not going to be a pain in the ass.