Search results

  1. P

    Ghost Tits

    This would actually be a step above most of the movies released today. dNHb3lZobt0
  2. P

    no shoes

    I just took my shoes off at work and my cube and the surrounding area smells now. Discuss.
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    Cloud computing

    Anyone else switching over to cloud computing at work? We recently had WYSE thin clients installed to replace our towers. I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. It almost feels like I'm working remotely from home. There is slight input lag. Does anyone have experience with a system like this...
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    [Farting] at work

    For those of you in the cube farm [NGFM]: when you have the urge to unleash some gas, do you simply slouch in your chair just a bit and silently release your ass blasts or do you get up and leave the area in order to be courteous? I've always silently released my farts at work. Its fairly rare...
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    Recommend some steak marinades for tacos

    Looking to grill up some flank or skirt steak and make some tacos. What are some good marinade recipes to apply to the steak?
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    It's not friday but it sure does feel like it

    Shit thread. Shit poster.
  7. P

    [NWS] This is hot stuff

    NWS Lexington Steele -
  8. P

    Can someone confirm this?

    Hopefully its true - Gordon Ramsay 'Kitchen Nightmares' Chef Commits Suicide
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    [Real Gay]Car Insurance

    So about a month ago I had my piece of shit 1997 Honda Accord stolen from the street in front of my apartment. About a week later it was found with fairly minimal damage. The ignition was obviously ripped apart, the cd player was gone, and the amp mounted in my trunk was gone. There were other...
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    [TW Lawyers] real estate legal situation

    This will be fairly long, skip to the cliffs if you want a general synopsis. I live with 3 roommates on the top floor of a 2 level house in Massachusetts. The four of us on the top floor are on one lease, and the four people on the first floor are on a separate lease. Yesterday I go down to...
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    Market Crashing [OMG]

    down almost 7% end of the world
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    Food poisoning sucks

    I ate a terrible premade sandwich from a grocery store about 12 hours ago. The last 4 hours have consisted of me basically pissing large amounts of liquid out of my ass fairly frequently. When does this shit end? I never knew I had so much awful smelling liquid in my ass.
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    Anyone own a deli slicer?

    Recently I have been buying top round roasts and slow cooking them in the oven after theyve been rubbed up nicely with whatever spices I feel like using. I'm thinking it would be very useful to own a deli slicer and just make my own roast beef instead of spending $8/lb for the processed/heavily...
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    Lobster Prices

    I'm not sure if this is the case everywhere but it definitely is true in the Northeast right now. On my way in to work I saw a local fish market advertising lobsters, any size, 5.99 per pound. I did some reading and the economy has really hit the lobster market hard. People were posting about...
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    How is this major news?

    The following article is taken from the front page of Drowning mother: 'Please, come help me!' - This is a classic case of somebody being a complete idiot. How this immigrant managed to not get out of the car is beyond me. We're better off without her.
  16. P

    ATI 4870 for $170

    If anyone is shopping for a video card I recommend taking advantage of this. Register an account at Go to search for "Tiger Direct" Click on the "Live Search Cashback" sponsored link at the top. In the same window that opened from this link, search for "Sapphire 4870" Buy the...
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    An Epic Tale of a Man's Journey to Find Himself

    nah this is ofn
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    Michelle Obama last night

    How hard do you think Michelle Obama fucked the president elect last night?
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    Have you ever walked out on a blow job?

    Yes, the thread title is obviously a parody of the other thread, but this is a serious question. Has anyone here, while getting a blow job, actually got up and left mid blow job on their own accord? I'm not talking about the 13 year old girls mother coming into the room and you getting the fuck...
  20. P

    [booyah] link to part 1 of the video for those looking

    This deserves a repost for all those who have been long searching for a working link to the extended version. NWS Aww Nigga - Video Search