Search results

  1. C

    STFU this si libary.

  2. C

    THE Chicago Bears.

    Longtime Bear fan. This may be the best defense I've ever seen. They are feeding off of each other and competing with each other to see who can get the strip, int, TD... Thus far, pretty scary. Scored more TD's than they've given up. Not sure thats ever happened before by midpoint of season...
  3. C

    For the liberal hippies...

    ...that think we might be getting out of Iraq anytime soon. Military adds armor to protect U.S. troops - Conflict in Iraq - 22 Billion for 15000 vehicles that are only useful on 1 place in the entire world means we ain't goin nowhere, for a long ass time, even if Billary bin...
  4. C

    [XBOX360]Need some general info on accessories

    So my wife picked up a 360, rockband, GH, and a couple random games for the kids on black friday and is calling it Christmas shopping done for the year for all of us. What is the essential "extra" shit I will need to go with the xbox? Obviously, I'm gonna need another controller, and a buddy of...
  5. C

    I want a bunch of MP3's of classic rock...

    ...for free. Where the hell do I go. I haven't pirated, sorry, "shared" mp3's since napster sold out and then winMX got killed. I have songs burning holes into my head. I MUST hear them.
  6. C

    [MSNBC]Iraq teachers beheaded in class.

  7. C

    mIRC question

    When you start mirc, how do you get it to join multiple servers and auto connect to the channels you need in each server and the registration intentify stuff?
  8. C

    My wife got me the complete 1985 Bears season on DVD

    Pretty freakin cool. I ran across the website selling it a couple months ago, but didn't want to take the chance on a shady deal. My wife took the chance and got me it for christmas. It's legit and all the game DVD's work, some with better picture quality than others, but none are horrible...
  9. C

    Dear Kurayami,

    I need that Pic of all the grunts gathered around the bradley with arms outstretched to receive God's healing sunrays and guide us on our purposeful quest. I reformatted and forgot to save that pic, which I use for my desktop :/
  10. C

    Song you most relate to the T1 glory days

    I was wandering through somne of my old MP3's, SR_71 - Right Now brought back all the old memories. This damn song was played on like every shoutcast intermission for a year.
  11. C

    Comcast Cable problem

    I recently got BF2 at the request of some old Tribes buddies to come play with them. When I get the server list from the browser I'll have like 20 servers under 100 ping, and in game I get massive ping fluctuations that lag me to shit. I go through a router, but I bypassed it to make sure it...
  12. C

    Succit, biatches.

    That is all.
  13. C

    I know we have an abundance of NO threads...

    ...I just bashed somebody for that, but does anyone else wish Geraldo would either fucking die, or forget everything he learned in his freshman drama course in college?
  14. C

    [pics]2005 Chicago Air Show(from work)

    I worked saturday, and knowing the air show was in town, I brought my camera! Alot of the planes were staging at the Gary/Chicago regional airport, which is a couple miles away from my steel mill. I could only get out for an hour, and was hoping they'd come a little closer, but, whatever...
  15. C

    [TW tech support] My gaming rig took a shit

    About 4AM I lost power from a thunderstorm. When I turn my browsing/irc machine on, it's just fine. My game box has the power and HDD LEDs come on for 1 second then go off. No fans spin up or anything. I figured I got a power spike or something and blew the power supply. To check it out, I took...
  16. C

    So... 14 more marines killed in Iraq today. You know, I'm all for the HitlerBu$h war for oil and all, and I think we have a right to be there because we are America and can do whateverthefuck we want, but this is getting stupid. It turns out these 14 marines were from the same unit as the 6 guys two...
  17. C

    So... I just got home from vacation in Cape Cod

    It makes me wonder why the fuck anybody in the world would EVER visit there, let alone live there like the poor fucks that actually stay in that shithole. The traffic is a fuckin nightmare. Makes the Dan Ryan in Chicago at rush hour feel like they're in the Dayona 500. Everything is WAY too...
  18. C

    My memorial day commemeration[long]

    The past couple years I've made a thread about a buddy of mine that got killed in Iraq the 1st time we did it. I'd like to share with my e-buddies here on TW what exactly happened. Stokes, Bradish and McClure were all in my Troop during basic/AIT. Bradish was in my OSUT platoon, and was my...
  19. C

    Why are there 250some guests viewing the forums

    We're really not that interesting.
  20. C

    Classic Rock fans:

    I'm here in the Chicago Metro area. I've been through Chitowns classic rock stations for about 20 years. The best one i've ever heard is still going, and they have an internet stream! Real good shit. A typical sample of their...