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  1. O

    [OMA][Debate #3 Recap] Trump just won.

    Say what you want, but I have never seen Trump at this level. Coming from a guy who watched him lower from the escalator and watched his very first speech live on Fox News. He. Just. Won! What drew my biggest emotional reaction was Biden stating that "Every American Family has 'The Talk'"...
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    [Hypothetical] What would you do if this happen to you?

    Let's say you head of a family of 5 with a beautiful wife and three kids all under the age of five. You have worked your entire life to make into the middle class and live in a decent neighborhood 25 miles outside of the big city. You spend your days working through the rigor of getting your...
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    Beat it up, nigga, catch a charge Extra large and extra hard Put this pussy right in your face Swipe your nose like a credit card Hop on top, I wanna ride I do a kegel while it's inside Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes This pussy is wet, come take a dive Tie me up like I'm surprised Let's...
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    It's official, I have left the Republican party.

    It all started back in 2008 when I was inspired by hope and change. I stood in line for 1.5 hours to submit my vote for Obama. The feeling when he won was indescribable. My heart felt two times the size it normally is. Then two years later my oversized heart was broken as every campaign...
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    Speaking of Books...

    Books seem to be one of the last mediums that isn't getting censored as heavily as all other forms of media. As I try and wean myself off of Social Media, Streaming services, and screen time, I'm trying to form a collection of counter narrative, properly cited books for my children. I want...
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    [Story Time With OMA] So my wife... for one of the biggest private sector companies in the nation. I only give this piece of info as a preface for things to come if you too happen to work for a big company. It was last Friday and she actually had to go into work. Her company still hasn't opened up the campus so this...
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    So we are going to disband/defund police departments now?

    Remember all those times when libertards were like, 'if you don't pay taxes then how will we fund the police?' Problem solved. hahaha But for real, i think these huge cities should do it. I'm guessing it would only take 2 hours for the streets be overrun. It's okay though... it's for...
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    [So] I'm going on vacation..

    First one since we got hitched 8 years ago. Flying out to Denver to breath in some of their culture for 5 days. Round trip + Air BnB cost us $850 total. Nows the time to travel!
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    [Musk/Grimes baby] X Æ A-12

    [Musk/Grimes baby] X Æ A-12 At least it has a gender. wtf is happening?
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    [Help] Looking for a USA made Dash Cam

    Looking to get a front and back dash cam for my wife's new ride. Preferably made in the US if that even exists. I know zero about this industry. Any help would be great!
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    [MAGA] vs [Libtard] It is now Scientific FACT that...

    ...Trump Supporters are less likely to be manipulated by the media vs Libtards. Sorry Epi. Your NYT's keeps you in zombie land. Lets break it down: Source: Scientific Survey Shows Voters Widely Accept Misinformation Spread By the Media Results: Survey Questions - Test your knowledge...
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    [Self Reflection] How many times has TW changed your mind?

    In light of a 6000+ page political thread (i'm pretty sure thats an all time record) where i'm sure zero minds have been changed from their original viewpoint, it got me thinking... How many times has a debate on TW changed your viewpoint of the world and what was the topic? For me, there have...
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    [Politics 2.0] Roger Stone – The Story untold.

    [Politics 2.0] Roger Stone – The Story untold. So my Friday night entertainment was to watch, for the first time, “Get Me Roger Stone”. This was a 2017 Netflix Original that provided a well articulated inside view on his playbook that helped the following presidents get elected: Nixon (at age...
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    [Politics] Should infanticide be legalized? Everyone I talk to about this or on my FaceBook wall are completely outraged. However, FoxNews suggested there were 13% of the public that support this type of abortion (I can't find polling data anywhere on this). I've personally not...
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    [Taxes][#MAGA] Some stupid questions about the new Tax Code.

    I present to you, the new brackets: I save 3% right out the gate! WOOOOOT! Thank you Trump. Anyway, my stupid question has to do with the child credit: So i get a $2,000 tax...
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    [Investment] Iraqi Dinar. Good idea?

    So i am thinking about buying up some Dinar. Roughly $2,000 USD worth to be exact. That is roughly 2,330,780 worth of Dinar. I have a friend that bought $350 worth and we were just having a convo about it and wanted to get others insight on it being a good vs bad decision. With Mr. Trump...
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    [Healp] Dual Monitor for Two Laptops

    So, I don't even know if this is possible but I'm hoping so. I have a very nice dual set up in my home work office where I dock in my work provided Dell Laptop. I would also like to dock in my personal Mac Laptop to the same two Monitors and switch between the two without having to...
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    [OMG] Bill O'Reilly OUT AT FOX

    Does Fox have a harassment problem?
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    [Twitter] #HowToConfuseAMillennial

    Number one trending # all day long... I was actually confused by this one:
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    [FF] Sit/Start: Whatca think?

    AP vs Jax- A team source says the team is aiming for Peterson to receive around 10 to 15 carries if he is ruled active for Sunday's game against the Jaguars, CBS Sports' Jason LaCanfora reports. Willis McGahee vs Pit - I currently have starting. Isaac Redman vs Denver - We'll have to see if...