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  1. M


    If you had one day in seattle to do anything you wanted, what would it be? the wife and I will be going on a cruise next month to alaska, but we have a full day to burn in seattle before we ship out. other than dinner at Salty's on redondo beach, we have nothing planned.
  2. M

    anyone live in/near Williamsburg, VA?

    be out there for vacation here in a few weeks, need some reccommendations of good eats also DC if you're so inclined. and VA Beach!
  3. M

    [southpark] whats that episode?

    the one where Cartman bets kyle 20$ and wins, and the rest of the episode he's all "ohhhh, Kyle's Money!"
  4. M

    so i've been away awhile

    and im not sure i want to know, but i want to know.... wtf is lemonparty?
  5. M

    obama's innaguration speech

    is there a link to video of this, i was at work :( can't find it on cnn or you tube, but i could be looking under the wrong thing... yea..... i just figured that out that it hasnt even happend yet.... fuck you all, IM TIRED!
  6. M

    hi, my name is vanster

    and i am the suck at responding to pm's in a timely manner after i've called someone out on the forumz. sadface.
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    BF 2142 question

    sooo I bought this out of boredom and the desire to blow shit up again. I never seem to gain any rank, despite the bar filling up every map, it never seems to save anything, I can't ever unlock anything, and I can't seem to even equip a fricking grenade as i'm not experienced enough.. wtf ?
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    [cool][neat][wanted][brackets] desktop wallpaper

    well, i've finally exhausted the 200 or so favorite wallpapers of mine, anyone have anything nice, SHINY, and new? share. k thx.
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    [HELP][STUPID] history of a word

    it's bugging me now, i can't find the history of the word "English" in relation to billiards, help me TW, you're my only hope well, thats the definition, but what im wondering is WHY it was named english..
  10. M


    i'll be out there end of this month for work, wtf is there to do in cincinnatti? i mean, WKRP doesnt exist, so what is there to do????
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    [ofn?]most awesome amazing badass christmas light display EVER!
  12. M

    [vid][ofn][brackets] sexy chics w/ power tools

    lol, im goin to see this dj on thxgiving nite, first time he's been this far out west.
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    >>>>> SWALLOW! <<<<<

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    online card directories...

    anyone have any links to online card directories? as in what things are worth? i'm getting ready to move, and i found a bunch of minty fresh rookie and special cards from sports, just wanted to check and see what they worth. thx.
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    exalted status

    can gnomes even get exalted status in elven lands? i want a kitty mount so bad for my gnome, but i'm hearing rumors it cant be done. anyone? bueler? bueler?
  16. M

    [Wanted]movie file, previously on

    it's the one where Bush if visiting malaysia, and otw to a meeting, the malaysian security tries to stop Bush's Secret Service guard from following, and the SS kicks the guys ass. thx for the file/link/help in advance.
  17. M

    [WANTED] picture help, google suckz0rs

    need a pic that has Mr Garrison in it, saying " You goto hell, you goto hell and you DIE! " thx
  18. M

    for the cali's in the house - blizzard

    Blizzard Entertainment is seeking an outgoing individual to provide assistance to our customers via the World of Warcraft forums. This is a position for an avid massively multiplayer online gamer with a strong background in providing top-notch customer service. An ideal candidate would be...
  19. M

    [LOGO CONTEST] Paintball Team

    My pball team is about to explode in terms of membership and we are looking at t-shirts, jersy's, things of that nature. Now, while some of our current members are good at artwork, I know that TW is by far and away so much better than us. So, here we are. I am personally putting up between...