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  1. C

    Why are you still arguing over P=NP?

    seems obvious to me Computational complexity theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia vab nothing left to prove
  2. C

    [hello tribalwars] I'm drunk and this si drunk thead

    no text you afggots I needd the spinnign to stop before I go to bed so I got like 20 mintues to post here whatever
  3. C

    [sup bros] That's a sweet router br0

    Sup brolies, check out the routes on my DSL router: Destination Gateway Subnet Mask Flag Metric Interface U 0 br0 In before cool story bro
  4. C

    [TW Survival Experts] Self-defense against large predators

    In relation to this video: CVS1UfCfxlU How effective would it be to actually kick a bear (or other predator) in the balls? How much would it hurt them? If you encounter one on a trail, it seems to me like hiking boots could do a lot of damage down south. Assuming you get a good shot at their...
  5. C

    You know what the chain of command is?

    It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'till ya understand who's in ruttin' command here.
  6. C

    The k0tz police, they live inside in my thread

    The kotz police they come to me in my bed The kotz police they're coming to arrest me oh noooo
  7. C

    [Ladies and gentlemen] Cold fusion

    I just watched my unplugged laptop's power meter go from 65% to 67%. The obvious solution is cold fusion. Patent pending, what should I do with my millions? can't be giants, my battery's way too light
  8. C

    [TW Docs] antibiotics question

    I have to take antibiotics (amoxycillin) for 10 days (started Tuesday, so 8 more days). I heard it could fuck up my digestive system since there are bacteria in there as well. What should/shouldn't I eat? Or are 10 days not significant?
  9. C

    [step right up] Apocalypse extravaganza!

    That's right, ladies and gentlemen, this is the one and only APOCALYPSE EXTRAVAGANZA!!! GUESS which gruesome fate our planet will meet, and WIN a glimpse of vindication before your ghastly doom! THE CONTESTANTS!!! 2012 - Wrath of the Mayans 2029 - Apophis strikes Earth 2036 - Apophis...
  10. C

    Name a poster

    Baby Bew
  11. C

    [rofl] Dear Hackers

    I know you are very 1337. I know it took a tremendous amount of time and effort to engineer the incredibly sophisticated hax0r that is the autoplay feature of Windows. Still, I would just like to suggest something. Call it a layman's perspective. Perhaps next time, refrain from displaying your...
  12. C

    [ortibal123] The Antichirst will appear on TV by page 2 of this thread

    You guys will feel so stupid when this thread reaches page 2 and the Antichirst will destroy the White House with a nuke and give a TV speech and then like destroy Earth with his laser eyebeams and shit. If this does not happen, then obviously the CIA reverse-engineered the Bible and injected...
  13. C

    VLC brings the holiday cheer

  14. C

    [TW doctors] It's all fun and games until you spit blood

    So yesterday I woke up with a fever. It was strange because it was only a fever, no blocked sinuses, no stomach pain, nothing. It passed by the evening but now for some reason my throat hurts and every 5 minutes I hock out bloody loogies. Sometimes there's just a slight red discoloration, other...
  15. C

    I got a woman, she lives on the hill

    She won't do it but her sister will.
  16. C

    I just dropped in to see...

    ...what condition my contidion was in.
  17. C

    [physics] [really just math] What in the good fuck?

    The problem: You have 3 masses joined by massless, rigid rods, as shown: m1----(r1)----m2---(r2)---m3 The moment of inertia for the system is: I = m1*(r1^2) + m3*(r2^2) - ((m3*r2 - m1*r1)^2)/(m1 + m2 + m3) Given are values of I for the four systems: m1 m2 m3 m1' m2 m3 m1 m2' m3 m1 m2...
  18. C

    [TW sleep experts] Power napping question

    So today during a 15-minute power nap, instead of passing out I had an extended, very vivid dream that I can recall in detail, with very clear optical, aural and even tactile exprience (wind against my head). All in all, the dream actually felt longer than the nap itself. Don't I need like...
  19. C

    [So] Since the video game industry is all sequels and remakes now...

    ...why not remake this one? It's simple, it's fun, and the satisfaction you get when you shoot down a Harrier with a Fokker triplane, calling it "britischer schwein" when it explodes was unmatched by anything at the time. So I figure, how hard can it be to remake this? All it would take is a...
  20. C

    [<bracket comment>] <oversimplify a divisive issue> (<insult>)

    <further oversimplify said divisive issue, implying that anyone taking a contrary position is inferior> (<display anticipation of opposing views, dismiss these outright as obvious indicators of aforementioned inferiority>) <sarcastic remark> <insult> <:pertinent emoticon:>