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  1. J

    [so] Jon Bon Jovi's still a fucking rockstar.

    Saw them and Dashboard Confessional on Thursday night. Good fucking show. The crowd wasn't really into it at first, but then the lights go out and all you hear is "SHOT THROUGH THE HEART..." and from then on out it was amazing. Good job Bon Jovi.. 27 years and you're still a badass with a...
  2. J

    [So] If you ever drop your iPod touch in the shitter..

    Put it in a bag of rice for 48 hours. It's a miracle.
  3. J

    my dog dide :(

    After 17 years of being a great dog. We sort of knew it was coming. Some days she couldn't even walk up the stairs, so we knew we had to do something. The next, she'd be leaping around the yard like she was a pup again. She had a history of running away and coming back within a day or two, but...
  4. J

    [D2] Anyone still playing?

    Or not playing and want to give me their shit? I need MF gear. Or we can just play. javabean javasorc - 75 light sorc barbajav - 86 ww/conc barb
  5. J

    [so] "Funny Games"

    is the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. fuck:(
  6. J

    [Help] IRC noob

    So I'm using XChat, and when I get to the TW server I'm told "[You look like a bot. Change your nick/ident/gecos and try reconnecting.]" What do I do? I'm using a registered nick, but I don't know how or what to change my "ident/gecos" to.
  7. J

    [WWE] Just got rickrolled

  8. J

    [so] My neighbors just got arrested for having a meth lab

    In their house. At about 1:00 pm about 30 DEA guys came up and started tearin' shit up, now the house is all shut up and there's an eerie silence. We all knew this was gonna happen. It was to the point where we would watch her put on her fucking creeper gear and climb underneath the house...
  9. J

    [so] I'm listening to Paramore

    I was just going to reply to a previous thread but most of them were a year ago. I really like this song and want to start a band now. aiJe4gUH0fk&feature=user and also wear tighter jeans and button up flannel shirts. but that's ok, because I'd also rail the lead singer.
  10. J

    [so] I got a penicillin shot in the ass today

    God damn that aches :( Fortunately I feel better now (other than the stiff right leg and cheek pain) than I have in a week.
  11. J

    [So] I just bought a PSP

    got that Daxter edition shit and FFVII: Crisis Core. What all do I need to trick out this bad boy?
  12. J

    [nws?] Wtf happened to redtube?

    Hacked by NetDevilz! Not that I was looking at pron or anything but damn :( edit: even the link title.. monsters..
  13. J

    [So]Would eating too many Warheads..

    ..cause my tongue to peel? Because it is. But they're like crack to me now.
  14. J

    [Help] So I was taking apart my ps2

    Having a buddy talk me through it on msn and reading a walkthrough, trying to fix this "disc read error" nonsense. Things were working pretty well. I got everything pulled apart without any problems and was able to play ps1 games and a few dvd's. I was happy. But somewhere between last night...
  15. J

    [iPod] Fixable or am I hosed?

    So I got an iPod Nano like 2 years ago, and the thing shits out on me and the ink busts I don't know how shortly after, but I've kept it laying around. I've seen people use cell phones with broken screens, I'm hoping my iPod will work the sameway. I've googled it a bit, but haven't found...
  16. J

    [iSketch] Closed for too many word writers?

    lol april fools lol Sorry :( *edit Aw fuck I should have put quotes in the title.
  17. J

    [Spam] Your favorite junk mail?

    Got one today that I enjoyed reading. " Whos arguing? Steengo said, looking suspiciously into his own bowl other side as well? Hi, guys, she said, smiling and waving. Id like to introduce a establishment for the criminally insane. Along with the fat man next possibilities. There were no names...
  18. J

    [rip]Bam Bam Bigelow

    :( God Bless you crazy painted up bastard.
  19. J

    [hate]Fuck snow

    So I was in Colorado on a nice little vacation. But didn't want to get snowed in so I had to come back to shitty Kansas early. :(
  20. J

    [Drummars] Bass drums?

    So I just bought a new back bass head for my set. It's a 22" Remo Pinstripe. Sounds better than my old one, but I still can't get it to sound how I want it to. Couldn't afford the new front head, but I'm getting there. My set's not the best at all. It's not shit, but it's not good. I believe...