Search results

  1. S

    [EVE-Like Game] Naval Action

    Open world Age of Sail Simulator, with working economy and detailed sailing ship mechanics. Scale map of the Carribean with hundreds of capturable ports. If you liked EVE I think you will like this, it is like a fun version of EVE. Very immersive. I am fighting for Spain on USA PVP Two...
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    The turn of the century

    Looking for examples of movies set during the late 19th century and early 20th century up until the pre-war era. Bonus if its an adventure movie a la Lawrence of Arabia. The only other flicks that come to mind at the moment are the Mummy series, but I know there must be many more.
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    When/why did ZooL get banned?

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    Greenlight Midair on Steam

    Steam Greenlight :: Midair Do it
  5. S

    2 no wipe poops in a row wow

    get on my level
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    Ok MST3K fans, now is the time. Go forth and make this happen.
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    Steam Controller & Steam Link

    hnnnnnnnnng pre-order is shipping just got email from valve :clap:
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    Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - This looks fun i want to play

    5BhHkvHcUfo someone get this I will be your defuser helper guy! make it happen on magicalgames :D
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    [Yum] Not Your Father's Root Beer

    You guys had this? Can get it everywhere around here and in a lot of local restaurants. 5.9% and tastes like a strong root beer/sarsaparilla. Love this but I have to pace myself, it's too damn drinkable.
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    As usual, South Park's social commentary is spot on

    Plz enjoy: Stunning and Brave - Full Episode - Season 19 - Ep 01 | South Park Studios
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    [VID] Korean Integrated Fire Demo

    Next time someone asks you what all the US military spending is for, tell them its this: XVXQlkpaC5k
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    New Ratatat track, in case there are any fans here

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    Just another music thread

    Criminally catchy tune kkMvpcJe9UA
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    Joys of home ownership

    So my neighbor knocks on my door this morning to let me know my sump pump isn't draining, go around the side of the house and sure enough it's a lake, sump pump keeps kicking in but the drain pipe is clogged (and not connected, thanks shoddy building practices!). Since I'm getting damp walls on...
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    Heroes of the Storm: Who's in the Alpha?

    Who is in the alpha right now? Lookin for people to add to the ol' friends list. Been in for a few months and decided to dive in and start making some content. Channel: Pay 2 Lose Gaming - YouTube So far just making some quick character guides, but I feel like its quality stuff.
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    Supraball: First Person Sports Game - Free Alpha

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    These are good

    So are these: Fucking delicious and nutritious.
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    Bob's Burgers

    I really like this show, I get the same vibe from it as from the early years of the Simpsons. Which is weird because one of the writers was produced for King of the Hill. Also its got H Jon Benjamin and he's great.