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  1. D

    I forgot about you all.

    Now I'm back. Hey guys. I'll see myself out now.
  2. D

    I just moved near Boston. What are some awesome things to do?

    As the title says. I just moved to the Boston area. I am making a shit ton of money (lol poor people). But seriously, any cool/interesting things to do/see? I've never been to Boston before.
  3. D

    Discuss this political statement.

    "The government provides roads, education, clean water, and many other things for you. Therefore it has the right to take part of your income away."
  4. D

    That ass

    I'd tap it.
  5. D

    I completely forgot that the world was supposed to end (again) today.

    Actually, The World Will End On October 21 - Business Insider I forget which timezone it's supposed to start in, though.
  6. D

    Some new information has come to light, man. [evolution]

    Found! Mankind's missing link | The Australian 'Game-changer' in evolution from S. African bones
  7. D

    Is a month too long for having a roommate that you bang?

    So this girl I know needs a place to stay for just a month. We've had sex before and it's all good, and shes basically paying me with free sex. Only problem is that my apartment isn't huge and I'm wondering if a month is pushing it as to how long I want to live in close quarters with someone...
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    Awesome Documentary [Hawking, God, science]

    3CvZD9TIb-M mJ3ffZEar8Y rGnUw2JL6sM mpEUejJmphY
  9. D

    I really like Rush, so I played some Rush on the drums.

    Very hard songs to play but they are plenty of fun... Obviously there were some mess ups, but all in all, I think I did well with it... Also, I didn't mean to do the songs %100 how they are done on the album. Limelight: zVNzZwY-ghI The Spirit of Radio: KUdfedk0ESY Subdivisions...
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    Hopefully they got some space weed, over.

  11. D

    Raiden needs to go on a diet.

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  13. D

    I rarely get into IRL religious debates, but I just had one.

    I just had a religious debate with a guy I work with. I feel extremely bad about it, because he's extremely religious; it's the basis of almost his whole life, and not to sound arrogant, but I decimated him in the debate. I could tell at the end he was visibly upset. I feel like I killed his...
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    Orbitroll and Togodick aside, people like this still exist?

    ZXZlLd3FpzY :confused:
  15. D

    Should abortion bill be split if condom broke?

    This girl was just finishing up her period, we had sex, the condom broke and I busted inside, although the timing of her menstrual cycle makes it very unlikely that she can get pregnant. But this brought up the subject of who should pay for the potential abortion. I said since it was no ones...
  16. D

    ITT: I show you how to attract any woman.

  17. D

    Misconception with regards to Dog

    I don't think he's racist. Just misunderstood.