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    Electrifying Finale to a Vermont Logging Truck

    This guy had a bad day
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    [WTF]When Piranhas Attack

    Piranhas Not sure if OFN but it's incredible what those little fish can do.
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    Rally driver dedication

    Axis Of Oversteer: Determination...or Darwin?
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    Colin Powell endorses Obama on Meet the Press

    Powell endorses Obama as 'transformational' - Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin -
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    The Dow is fucked

    Down 600 points right now.
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    [Official] Merrill Lynch is done

    Merrill Agrees to Be Sold To BofA for $29 a Share - Financials * US * News * Story -
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    So who else is getting raped today?
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    [digg] Star Wars according to a 3 year old

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    Snow Day Bitches

    Yay for closing the university for the first time in like 30 years. It's gonna be a day of calculus (series freaking suck) and video games.
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    Stock Brokers

    Hey I was looking at a pretty good stock that has gone up quite a bit and realized that I'm still pretty much a newb at this stuff. So my question is, who does everybody go through and their satisfaction with them. Thanks.
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    [Video] Cat watching TV

    Creepy as hell to see this cat, toward the end he's like "get the fuck away from me I'm busy." cat watching tv. - Google Video
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    Car audio

    So I just finished the body work on my mustang and the car is nearly done. I swear to God I've spent so many hours sanding out this car and banging out dents from the shit she did to it. Women can't respect their cars. So anyways, I want to spend about 200-300 on a new deck that sounds good...
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    [Vid] Arab Drifting

    I'm sure this is right up project's alley. I feel bad for the guy at 2:49, so many others had to have died in this video though.
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    Bee Problem

    Great pictures of what some guy goes through to get rid of a bee nest. And no, I don't drive a Honda.
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    Miss Georgia USA [pics in link] Make your own decision. Some of those counties I feel sorry for if that is the best they can muster.
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    FS: Asus z70va "Refresh" 1.7M Laptop $1,100 Shipped

    This is a great widescreen Asus Laptop that I have used lightly for the past six months. The laptop is freshly formatted with an installation of Windows XP Professional. I have also installed my copy of Office XP. The device runs great with no problems of any sort. This laptop is truly a great...
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    Ex-Postal worker... you know the rest

    Seems like this chick got fired and killed six people then offed herself.