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  1. D

    So apparently there will be more Tribes?

    So I found out like 48 hours ago about Ascend, surprised my account still works. I know everyone isn't exactly excited about the Loadouts, but I figured the franchise was dead anyway. All I got to say about the Loadouts is blame Halo, all FPS's have pretty much moved to this model and a 2...
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    [INTERNET]Newsreader Recommendations?

    What newsreaders does everyone use or recommend for getting what you need from usenet. with all the torrent sites going down I figure I should find a more anonymous backup for filez.
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    Fuck You Norwalk Virus

    after eating apparently contaminated fish I feel like I got hit by a truck and I've been shooting it out both ends. Anyone else experienced this son fo a bitch? only good part is its only supposed to last 2 days or so.
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    Anyone use Windows Media Center XP 2005 to watch Xvid movies and such?

    Curious about buying one of these media center PC's for the TV, although the Cable TV Feature is nice I'll be primarly using this for watching encoded avi's and mpg's and whatnot found online. Are their any real file format conflicts as long as all the proper codecs are installed, for instance...
  5. D

    so if we got rid of porn in GD

    what would be post about? just curious
  6. D

    Collision at 10mph, Jump out of your car of course! sorry if this got posted before me but I thought I'd pass the link along
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    Now that Colusus is no longer in charge

    can we get that porn/not work safe forum?
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    Mourn the Loss,4057,11491414%255E26462,00.html
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    Petition to change Tribalwar to Halflife2War

    every fucking thread on the first page, gah... need a seperate HL2 forum
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    Geforce 6600 GT AGP now up for sale on sweet sweet upgrade goodness.
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    So who's playing EQ2?

    Thinking about picking it up from best buy tomorrow, I hope I can get some more mileage out of my GF4 Ti4200 Gonna be playing on Server: Mistmoore I believe
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    Re: The New Color Scheme

    Re: The New Color Scheme It's burning my eyes.
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    People complaining of underpowered HO

    Are you kidding me? Are you upset you can't take a remote inv and setup turrets like we all used to do on Raindance inside the enemy base and keep it for the entire map? If so please shut up, it's been proven on every map that constant HO pressure will keep the enemy base down for the majority...
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    [Bug]Game still does not remember keybinds

    might want to fix that, as I go manually edit my ini file for the 5th time.
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    [Feedback] Weapon Cycling when out of ammo

    Would it be possible to implement a feature that would not allow you to hold a gun that is out of ammo when cycling through your available weapons? If you run out of ammo in everything it would default to that energy blade thing until you picked some up. The reason for me is that I don't...
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    [Feedback] Need more time in between Map changes

    I greatly appreciate the added statistics at the end of each map, however you are only giving me like 2-3 seconds to actually view it before it switches to the next map, I certainly hope we can get a little more time to look at the stats.
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    [Feedback] Light Armor seems alot faster now

    Is it just me? I like it.
  18. D

    [Bug] Spawning as a Rover instead of a Player

    So yesterday while playing T:V I decided to hop into the Rover and head over yonder to yee olde enemy base. As I'm driving along I pick a spot that would be good to spawn from in the future. While still in the Driver seat of the Rover I hit the B Button to respawn and chose the Rover as the...
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    Quote from Moviegoer watching "The Village"

    - Dead Serious Moron Chick sitting behind me
  20. D

    People complaing about base rape in T:V

    Go fuck yourselves.