Search results

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    What is this alien movie?

    I saw this movie a while back. I think it's a few years old or so, not possitive. All I remember was aliens abducting people by sucking them into the sky. You would see them and then they would be sucked up into the sky extremely fast like a vacume. And then later on, one of the main...
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    Shenanigans 05

    So... I have this pointless film project (if you want to call it that) called Shenanigans. It started with me doing weird and pointless stuff and taping it, but it eventualy became something that involved many different people. Recently, I have been getting odd people together and have been...
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    Stupid pet names

    So.. I knew this lady that named her cats "Cat" and "Girl". And this other lady named her dogs "Pooper", "LuLu", and "ChaCha". I hate stupid pet names. Ever heard any bad ones?
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    Good Blu Ray movies?

    I am getting a projector and blu ray player later this year, and I want to make a list of some good HD movies to buy that I don't already own on DVD. Ideas?
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    Holy crap... who stole my Google?

    I think someone stole my Google. It says... '' is currently unavailable.
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    Anyone know alot about projectors?

    A friend of mine brought over his projector on Sunday for the SSBB party I had, and it got me thinking. I'll have around $2000 extra this August and I think I have decided that I want to buy a projector and a nice screen. I used Google to try and find a good audio/visual forum and failed...
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    Portishead - Third

    My review: Ok, my mind is successfuly blown. Any ounce of an idea of what you think this album sounds like... completely throw it out the window. Portishead has pulled a Radiohead with what they did with Kid A. This album is completely out there. Unconventional in so many ways. Extremely raw...
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    My band has gone electronic

    My band has switched into an Electronic band. We are taking our old songs and reworking them. Here is the first of many. The song is called I am Better and it's about things in society that are supposed to make you better, when in reality, there are lots of little people in your head...
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    Contact Lense (experimental progressive rock)

    Myopic Mecca - Supersonic EPK Press play at the top Let me know what you think (yeah I know this isn't the music section but that place is dead) - DM
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    Tommy Emmanuel

    Amazing. YouTube - Tommy Emmanuel - Mombasa
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    Computer soundcard/speakers suggestions?

    I'm building a new computer later this month for gaming, movie watching, and 3D applications. I'm wanting a good sound card at least 5.1 and some good speakers. I'm hoping to spend under $300 total for both. Suggestions? Here is what I am looking at so far. $135 Logitech THX Z-5300e...
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    An Idea... opinions, suggestions?

    So I have written lyrics and a vocal melody for a new song and have presented it to the band. We have not started working on it yet. I was thinking that it would be cool to create a thread where I post mp3's of the progress as we write the song. Does this sound interesting to anyone or do you...
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    what the hell is this guy saying

    YouTube - Beenie Man - Who am i (U.S. version)
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    Printer Problems

    So I have an Epson Stylus 220 printer. I was printing some color fliers for my band's show, and then all the color cartriges ran out. So I turned the image into a greyscale and tried printing, and the printer is like... No! Please replace the cartriges. But... I'm not using color. I'm just...
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    I'm going to sing a little tune for you

    Ready? Here goes... Wait... forgot the lyrics :(
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    Introducing - The Shenanigans EDIT: 03 and 04 are the best... 03 probably being better
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    I am all Better. I took my capsul.

    Live video. Enjoy. YouTube - Myopic Mecca - I am Better
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    Myopic Mecca

    Check us out, tell me what you think. We are a progressive/experimental/psychadelic/indie rock/metal band. You can see our live videos by searching Myopic Mecca on YouTube, or clicking the following link. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. We have 5 songs on our myspace. All of which were...